Monday, March 6, 2017

Overshadowed Monday Musings

Yes, it was a fairly nice weekend.

It was overshadowed by the dark nature of political events. but it was a nice weekend with family.


We spent it at home for the most part, enjoying family time.  Alison and I did get out to see a movie, and we went to church activities Sunday morning.


We saw the movie Get Out Saturday (not Logan yet - we're running about a week behind).  It was about as good a comedy/horror social commentary I've seen, at least up there with Young Frankenstein and They Live.  A strong riff off of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. the young male protagonist of the movie finds himself in increasing danger, as he finds his girlfriend's parents to be a substantially greeter threat than say, Robert DeNiro in the Meet the Parents movies.

We saw it with a mixed crowd, both whites and blacks, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.  One African-American woman proclaimed at the end of the movie, "I like y'all white people, but if I come to you house and you have one of those (major plot point in the film) in your house, I am getting out!"  An older white lady said to her daughter who took her, "That was weird. But it was better than TV."


Our classic movie of the week was The Maltese Falcon.  Surprisingly, neither Alison and I had ever seen it.  It was interesting, but not as riveting as I had hoped.  Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade was a definitely well-pronounced character.  This will sound sacrilegious, but I didn't always appreciate his portrayal.  He might have been a tad too cold and flat for me.  I enjoyed him a lot more in The African Queen.


On Thursday, Alison went, with a high school girlfriend, to a Rick Springfield  concert in Jacksonville, an old idol of hers.  She came home happy but bruised, from trying to get over some chairs in order to shake hands with him.  I try not to ask any questions.


Meanwhile, I got subs from a new place in town, Larry's Giant Subs.  I give them an A for menu (literally dozens and dozens of sandwiches to choose from), a B for taste (they were slightly bigger, 8 inches instead of 6, but they were flat rather than thick), and an F for following directions.  They put mayo on Benjamin's sandwich, which he hates and I told them not to do, and he wound up having to throw part of it away because he could not scrape it all off.


Everything was overshadowed by the unhinged behavior of our electoral college winner, Trump.  His Breitbart-fueled delusion that Obama had wire tapped Trump Towers was embarrassing and scary.  He has boxed himself in where there are no good answers.  He has taken the word of extreme right-wing media over all other sources.  He's President, for God's sake.  He has all the word's information at his fingertips, and he chooses to believe Breitbart, radio extremist Mark Levine, and the ditzy hosts of Fox & Friends.

He has gone past the stage of "dangerous" and "unstable", and is now at the stage of "it's time to put Grandpa in the home, before he hurts himself and others".

God help us all.

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