Friday, March 31, 2017

A Broken Attempt to Start Flash Fiction Friday

He turned the corner.  She was there.

Wait.  That's like stage directions.  I'm not sure I'm supposed to do that.

"Dave!  Is that you?"

"Uhhh, yeah, Merlinda.  What are you doing in this neck of the city?"

Wait.  That's all dialogue.  I don't think I'm supposed to do that either.  And neck of the city?  

Oh, my God!  It's Merlinda!  What is she doing over here?  I haven't seen her since the bad sushi disaster!

Wait!  What?  Is first person ok?  I can't remember!

There she was, dressed like a sea cucumber freshly escaped from a boxcar.  I felt like a melted pogo stick on a hot playground.

Wait!  Is that like mixed metaphors or something?  

He saw her.  He did not want to.  He walked by, pretending he didn't see her.

Wait!  You're not Hemingway!  Your terse-like is more turd-like.

It was just a chance meeting, but it caused all the memories to flood back.  Like that cold winter's night when they first met during a snowball fight at Yale.  He was a member of the Alpha Omega Fraternity, and she was a new initiate into the Kappa Frappa Sorority.

(This goes on for thirty seven pages of reminisces until they finally say hello to each other.  By the twelfth chapter, they have moved on to lunch).

Wait!  What?  Right or wrong, the double hockey sticks am I gonna do that!  And Kappa FRAPPA? What was I thinking?

I'll tell you what I was thinking - 

19 more days of tax season and I get my brain back!!!

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