Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Whirling Swirling Wednesday Wanderings

Another wandering Wednesday.

I have topics.  I swear.

I just can't form them in the midst of the swirl of tax season.

I am fomenting.  I am just not fruitioning yet.

I'm swirling an idea about the 500 channel universe we live in, and about it's effects, both good and bad.

I have dozens of topics relating to the Trumpocalypse, more than some of my less politically minded readers want to see, but not enough to convey all the anger, terror and rage I feel that this narcissistic bully toddler has been left in charge of the nuclear codes.

Being that healthcare, and decent access to healthcare, has been  major concern of mine, I have a lot to say about the Republican's desire to move from Obamacare to TrumpNoCare.  No one knows the exact shape this plan will take, or even if they can ever pass it.  But it won't be good, and it will be a major step in the wrong direction.  So expect many, many more posts about this disaster-in-waiting.

I so desperately want to get back to fiction and creative writing.  But under the pressures of tax season, it is one of the first things to go.  I want to get to My Europa.  I want to work on the prologue rewrite to History of the Trap.  I want to do so many things, and it is frustrating not to be able to focus enough to do them.

It's hard to think of tax season dwindling when it still has more than a month to go, and it still doesn't feel closer to being over.  Not yet.


 Alison and I attended an evening of music and skits put on by Benjamin's musical theater class.  Benjamin played a more dramatic role than he had before, and did an excellent job.  Benjamin is quite the performer, and I'm very proud of him.

For those interested, he and I will be in play together this April, The Diary of Anne Frank, where I play Mr. Frank and Benjamin plays Peter.

The scary thing is, we are not far off from this play being a horrifyingly plausible glimpse of the future, simply replacing the Jewish families at the core of it with Muslim families.  I wish I was joking about this, but I fear that we are laying the groundwork for it to happen again.


Well, that's about it.  Thank you to my most loyal readers, the ones who even attempt to slog through these theme-less wanderings.

Give me about 40 days, a Lenten length wilderness wandering, and then maybe the whirling swirl will clear a bit more.

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