Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hurling Towards Impeachment: Saturday Political Soap Box 222

This is not going to be a thesis to outline the evidence to impeach Trump.  Either you've seen that evidence from the memo of the Ukranian meeting and the Whistleblower's complaint, or you are living in a land of media sources and friends that reinforce your belief that Trump has never done and can never do anything worthy of impeachment. I can do very little to change that.

I am disappointed that tSpeaker Pelosi and the House seem determined to narrow focus on the Ukranian incident.  I understand the need to extradite and move this matter along as quickly as possible.  It is an overwhelmingly clear reason for impeachment, where the smoking gun is already revealed, and there is no doubt as to what he did was wrong. 

To me, the entirely wrong message was sent by the reaction to the Mueller report and hearings.  I thought it was devastating, clear grounds for impeachment, but the language was conveyed in such clouded, bureaucratic terms, that the public (bless their hearts) seem disinterested, and the Democrats in Congress unable to figure out to move forward.  This was compounded by the unprecedented lack of cooperation from the White House, stonewalling even the most mundane things.  This stonewalling should of in and of itself added to the list of an impeachable offense.

If we narrow focus on Trump's solicitation of foreign help against a political opponent, we lose some important things that I feel he should be impeached on as well -

Repeated and constant violations of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, both foreign and domestic

Obstruction of Justice

Inviting and accepting Russian Help in the 2016 Election

Violations of Campaign Finance Law

Tax Fraud

Acts exceeding his authority as President and diminishing the role of Congress and the Courts

Inciting violence and encouraging racism

I could go on and on, but the point is, there is a lot to impeach this President on.  Some of these hits closer than others.  But I think it will take multi Articles of Impeachment to show the full range of the monstrosity of this President.

I want to know.  I want to see the tax returns.  I want to know the full extent of his financial shenanigans. I want it known that he only survived by selling his soul to Russian oligarchs.  I want Trumpeteers to be stripped of any rationale to support this narcissistic racist.

We have to use the impeachment inquiry status to get all the information we can on all the things we can.  Because once the House votes to impeach, and then Trump survives the trial in the Senate, you are not getting anything out of him for the rest of his term.

And I want it all.

I want it to be so clear that a certain friend of mine comes to me and says, "Tom, you were right.  I made a terrible mistake voting for and then continuing to support Trump.  I realize now the damage he has done, and I am truly sorry.  I will never support his like again."

I know.  That's a big fantasy.  I'm more likely to see mermaids and unicorns.  Nevertheless, I have to have something to hope for.

So, my unnamed friend, I am waiting and praying that you will see the light.

Even if you continue to refuse to see it, I will keep the beacon on for you.

Wait!  Was that a unicorn I just saw in my backyard? 


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