Monday, September 16, 2019

Post #2004 Monday Musing

Who's ready to party?

Ellie and Pixie are!

Their favorite kind of party?  Cheerios party!  Cheerios are thrown on the floor, and the dogs go to town celebrating.  To them, food is celebration.

Come to think of it, it kinda is for me too.


Speaking of celebration, I recently blew by a significant milestone - I now have over 2,000 posts on my blog.  If nothing else, an impressive display of endurance and persistence.  A decade of effort.  Ten years of hard work trying to make this blog a household name.  And if you narrow it to just the Strait household, I have succeeded. 

Traffic to the site has remained relatively steady at between 2,000 to 3,000 views a month.  I had hoped there would be at least an incremental rise over time, but you can't always get what you want, I guess.

There are a lot of interesting sub-numbers under that.  This is my 180th Monday Musing.  I have posted 221 Saturday Politval Soap Boxes.  I have hundreds of fiction pieces and even 115 fake poems.

Quantity over quality.  It's my middle name.


Football was in full roar this weekend, and it is remarkable our level of disinterest, even with our favorite teams winning.  I don't think we watched a single complete game. 

Michigan remains unbeaten, probably helped by the fact that they did not play this weekend.


The media and others seem to be discovering something that I thought we already knew - that Brett Kavanaugh is a lying pervert.  One of the more repulsive claims against him has proved out to be true - based on independent verification and research done by journalists for the New York Times.

Democrats and anyone with at least half a consciousness and functioning moral compass want him impeached.  Good luck with that.

Spoiler alert: Republicans and their evangelical allies already know that Kavanaugh is scum in a bucket.  THEY DON"T CARE.  They only care about dominating the Supreme Court for the next generation.  They don't care how they got there.

Thank you, Susan Collins.  Maine, please let her insensitive decision be her career-ender.


So, the Saudis have been killing hundreds in Yemen, leaving tens of thousands on the verge of starvation, and the USA does not care?

But the Saudi Oil fields get attacked, and we are ready to go to war to defend the killer of Khashoggi?

Oil over people.  Oil over people.  Oil over people.

Is that our new mantra?

Until next time (Monday Musing #181),

T. M. Strait

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