Monday, September 2, 2019

Waiting for the Dorian Gray

Yeah.  I tried a version of this joke on a few people and was met with a thud of nonrecognition.  One person did remember that there was a character by that name in the movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

It's from a story by Oscar Wilde, published in 1890, about a man who has a portrait of himself that ages while he stays young.  It's a classic.  Trust me.

Sometimes I tell I am Alison's version of a Dorian Gray picture - she stays young while I age for her.

Meanwhile, as I write this, Dorian is a Category 5, doing a sit 'n' spin over Bermuda.  There's not much in the media about the damage Bermuda is getting.  I fear the news may not be good when Dorian finally moves on.

There has been a lot of change and uncertainty concerning its path.  It looks like it's going to follow the coastline as if it were a really angry cruise ship.

Could it affect Pierce County, where I live?  There probably will be some rain and wind.  How strong it will be may depend on close it passes.  Right now, it is likely to pass our area of the Georgia coast at a Category 3.

Have we bought a generator?  Sadly, no.  You would think we would have learned our lesson from the time our power was out about a week last year.  No, it seems like we didn't.

We do have a Hurricane box, with water and flashlights that we have made sure are fully charged.

So we wait.  Our thoughts and prayers are not just for ourselves, but for everyone in its path.

UPDATE Tuesday MORNING:  It's still spinning just above Bermuda.  There is a lot of damage, and we may not know the extent until later today.  The Hurricane's path appears to be taking further into the ocean, causing fewer problems for the continental United States, particularly Florida and Georgia.  Area schools have been canceled for the next two days, out of precaution.  You never know, and it's best to err on the side of caution.

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