Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Good Genes Wednesday Wanderings

 I got good genes.

No.  Sorry. I mean good jeans.  

Well, I have one good pair of jeans.  I can fit in those pretty good.  Others are either too loose or too tight. I need to lose weight again.  I'm not at record weights, but I have lost focus.  But sometimes you just gotta saddle up and try again, no matter how many times you've done it before.

On Monday's post, I was laid low.  I had arthritic pain in my foot and ankle that, when it's gotten that bad before, usually lasts several weeks.  But by some miracle, it has dissipated, and I am much better.  Maybe my decision to take it easy Monday paid off.  Or perhaps I just have good genes.

I know I had one good Gene.  That was my father, Eugene Everett Strait, whom everybody called Gene.  Well, not me.  I called him Dad.

Yes, we inherit traits from our parents and other ancestors.  I won't get into the whole nature vs. nurture thing.  I can't judge that.  Am I a good person because I saw my Dad being a good person, or am I a good person because of the strict genetic transfer of personality inclinations?  I don't know. I tend more towards genetics concerning physical traits and less on mental.

What I do reject outright is the good genes eugenic "racehorse theory" propounded by Donald Trump.  He advocates that, because of breeding, some of us are just naturally superior to others.  This is ethnic related - he often says this in front of white crowds, mainly of German or Scandinavian background.

This was an idea more popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  It led to the promotion of sterilization for 'inferiors."* The whole philosophy climaxed with Hitler and the Nazis.  And it was a horrible, deadly climax indeed.

I thought we had moved ahead of this kind of nonsense.  But Donald Trump is bringing it back, and it is the most dangerous thing he believes that nobody in the media seems to be discussing.

You can even see it in the way Trump is trying to dismiss the 203,446 confirmed COVID-19 deaths in the US.  Why, they are elderly people who already have health problems! He is diminishing their worth and criticizing them for not have good genes.  After all, isn't he old?  He takes crap care of himself, yet he thinks he's "special" because he has good genes.

He thinks he innately knows things because of his genetically inherited intelligence.  He thinks because he has smart relatives (like an Uncle who was a scientist), that means he knows those things too.  He doesn't have to study.  He doesn't have to learn things or critically examine issues.  Why, he just naturally knows the answer because of his genetic superiority!

This is so dangerous.  This is straight-up evil.  And I wish more of my friends would wake up and notice.  You are supporting a racist monster.

*think sterilization no longer occurs?  Then you haven't heard the scandal about the doctor who coerced sterilizations at a detention center for undocumented immigrants. That is happening NOW.  TODAY.

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