Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Rockin' Flower Wednesday Wanderings; Keeping Your Distance 47

This is an artificial flower in Benjamin's study.  It rocks, sways back and forth 24/7.  I tried to upload a video that would show you this,  and I failed.  I couldn't figure out how to transfer it from my phone to the blog.   Probably if I gave it enough time I could figure it out...but, oh, well.  Not today.

So, trust me.  It be rockin'.

How are y'all feeling this glorious Wednesday?

Truth in numbers:

The number of reported cases in Georgia has been declining, looking at seven-day numbers.  The past three weeks have gone from 19,826 to 17,392 to 14,218.  I feel like this is due to - more mask-wearing in the state, and to fewer tests being administered.  There has not been a substantial decline in positivity rate, each day usually hovering between 10 and 8% - you need to get to below 5% for contact tracing to be effective.

The number of deaths has remained high, 498 to 426 to 476.  Deaths are a lagging indicator, so if cases continue to decline, maybe deaths will too.

Where are the cases?

Cases across the country, including Georgia, are increasing most at college campuses and public/private schools.  This is disturbing to me, as Benjamin's college is no exception.  The University fought valiantly, with mask and social distancing restrictions.  They have done a lot of things right.  BUT that did not stop them from developing hundreds of positive tests.  Students go off-campus and participate in large house parties and other crowded social events, without wearing masks or giving a damn about anyone else (no, Benjamin does not participate in these).  The college President has had to intervene and threaten those who participated with disciplinary action, including the possibility of suspension.  Since saying that, the number of positive cases at Georgia College has declined tremendously.

There are cases in public schools.  Alison's office has had positive cases, including one recently of someone who worked with her, assisting her department,  I am quite angry.  Why?  MASKS ARE NOT REQUIRED AND NOT EVERY ONE WEARS ONE.  

Should schools be opened?  If the proper measures are taken, including mask-wearing, social distancing, and contact tracing, yes, I think it's worth trying.  THAT'S NOT WHAT MOST SCHOOLS IN THIS AREA ARE DOING

I am so angry at the anti-maskers right now.  I can't even begin to articulate it without losing control of my emotions.

Well, we're all going to get it eventually

You've got to be kidding me.  That's the attitude of some around me, and it's disgusting.

You really want to shoot for herd immunity and leave some TWO MILLION Americans dead?  

You really want to risk that many people on a strategy that may not work because we know NOTHING about reinfection or how long immunity may last?

Yes, it's true.  Many get mild symptoms.  80% or more never have to go to the hospital.  And of those, only a fraction go to ICU.  And 2 to 4% who contract the virus die.  Are those acceptable numbers to you?  

I mean, really.  Are you a Vegas gambler?  Maybe you can play the odds.  Maybe your family will get it and they'll all be mild cases.  Is that what you're willing to do?


Let me answer for myself - 

Hell No!

Double Triple Hell No!

But I don't get a choice.  Alison and Benjamin are both subject to whatever anti-masker covidiot that comes near them.

I hate their attitude - Do not interfere with my right to infect you!

I apologize. I meant to cover more topics.  It's just hard to do when the lives of your family members are at stake.

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