Saturday, November 24, 2012

Politics Are Not Seasonal Saturday Political Soap Box 45

I'm so sorry to break this to some of my friends.

Politics is not seasonal.

Just because an election cycle is over, politics are not simply set aside.  Whether you're paying attention or not, the never-ending battle goes on.  And I will be continuing to comment on it.

I understand the desire to get away from the constant barrage of ads.  There is quite a bit of senseless nattering that goes on.  And the incidents that the media deems important are not often the real issues in an election.

It is also difficult to live in an area that is at such odds with the outcome of the election.  Much of the rhetoric on my Facebook page was to complain that people were still talking about politics.  There was far much more of that than there was people talking about politics.

Some were from apolitical people who were never interested much in political discussion to begin.  Some was from people who were bitter and stunned at the results, and only wanted to move on - at least until the next opportunity to diss Obama and liberals.

Meanwhile, whatever the local reaction, movement and positioning in Washington did not stop.  Obama-care, although likely to survive, is still under siege in the most radically reactionary states.  Mideast conflicts ans problems do not take a break.  Secession talk weirdly moves to the center of discussion.  Climate change issues will wait on no one.  Budgetary and tax issues must be considered.

So the Saturday Political Soap Box will continue to roll on, hopefully encouraging lively but helpful discussions along the way.  Next week, I hope to get back to one issue focuses.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know.  Yes, it's true - I'm an unapologetic liberal   But I do welcome discussion and comments from all corners.

So, as Superman would say, let's fight the never-ending battle - for truth, justice and the American Way!


  1. I know what you mean about the post-election comments. Most I saw were..."I'm not a sore loser, but...", "the elections are over now", "can we just put this behind us"....All I can say is that it's not about winning and's about what we feel, as a majority of the nation, is best for our country. We do have to, however, keep fighting the battles everyday.

  2. Yes. I'm hoping we get back to discussing the issues and find the common ground we need to move forward. We have very important things that we need to move forward on.
