Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mammom Invades Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is being invaded!

More and more companies (not just Walmart) are demanding that their employees work on Thanksgiving.  The holiday is being engulfed by the madness that is Black Friday.

Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family, reflective of the blessings that we have,  Many of us are grateful to god and our faith for those blessings.

It is a not a time to work away from family.  Granted, there are some necessary functions that must go on, and for what is necessary, those individuals should be well compensated and given time with their family when they can.  But shopping is not a necessity, and should not be done.

So take the pledge!  Black Friday is bad enough...contradicting EVERYTHING that Thanksgiving is supposed to stand for!  But Thanksgiving itself we should choose to hold sacred for family.

Whatever our political persuasion, whatever our religious inclinations, can we all hold at least that in common?

Why the churches are not organizing to stop this encroachment is beyond me.  This would certainly seem to be a lot more vital issue of faith than clerks not saying Merry Christmas.

So, please, talk it up in your church today and this week.  Make a difference.  Let's hold Thanksgiving as a special day for being thankful for what we have, and not a day to begin coveting what we don't.

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