Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran Respect and other Monday Musings

Today is a federal and state holiday.

Banks are closed.  Federal and state offices.  Schools are open.  I am going to work.

It is Veterans Day.  We are thankful for their service.  It would be nice if we could also help them with the financial and physical care they need, but that is an iffier proposition.Food stamp benefits to 900,000 some vets are being cut.  Disabled vets have to wait months to get benefits approved by the bureaucracy.  The very last proposal offered by the Republicans to end the government shutdown would've slashed Tricare, the vet's health insurance program.

The vets need more than our thanks.  They need us to elect politicians who will improve and enhace programs to help them.


Something peculiar happened this weekend, something I am not often used to.  The Detroit Lions sit atop the NFC north!  This may not last, but it is certainly an experience to savor.  The last time the lions were in the Super Bowl was.....well, they've never been in the Super bowl.  Go, Lions!


I wish I could report on any movies we saw over the weekend, but we didn't see any.  I had hoped to review more movies for the blog and Ripping Good Yarns, but I'm not very timely when I get to see movies, so it doesn't happen often.  Most of the weekend was over when I finally realized that Thor had started this weekend.

Alison got out some Saturday for our 17th anniversary.  We went to Carrabas, a great Italian restaurant we like.  I always think I'm going to get something different there, but I always wind up getting Pollo Rosa Maria, kind of an Italian version of Chicken Cordon Bleu.


My efforts to promote my Ripping Good Yarns group on Facebook have been very, very modestly successful.  Traffic has gone up from about 3  to about a dozen.  I started my annual Hall of Fame movie selection.  I first presented the blog story with the nominees inside the story (you had to read the story to see the nominees) - the result was five votes.  A few days later I posted again, this time including a link to the blog story but also listing the nominees in the message - it got four more votes. finally I gave up on the link to the blog story and just listed the nominees - waalah, a dozen more votes.  Sigh.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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