Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Smokin' in the Teacher's Lounge

Soon it will be over.

Only ten minutes left and Thanksgiving break would begin.  What could she possibly do?  Any point she tried to make, any new fact she tried to teach them, would be completely lost on them.  If by some miracle they were paying attention and heard it, they would soon forget it in the avalanche of time off that was coming their way.  Most teachers had long since given up.  But not Grace Scope, Dixon County High biology teacher.  It was not in her nature to surrender. So she saved her talk about the mating habits of wolves until this last day before break.  And they listened with rapt attention.

Grace Scope was, by almost any measure, a beautiful woman.  Her looks and shape were fine, if not breathtaking.  But it was the light of intelligence coming from her soul that made her truly beautiful.  Tall with long, jet back hair, and a face that was classic Greek, with a straight perfect nose and large eyes that were an enchanting mixture of brown and green.  She wore slacks and a baggy shirt or sweater most days and very little make up.  Very few students were aware of how beautiful she was.  They were too absorbed in their own world, and she made very little effort to involve herself in theirs.

Some students felt close to her anyways.  Guys she could dismiss - it was not difficult to dissuade them.  But some of the girls she let in slightly closer.  Nothing even remotely untoward, but she could identify with some of their problems, and could act as a secondary guidance counselor.

The bell rang.  The students could go home.  But they didn't leave until she finished her story, her lesson about the wolves.  They were certainly the last ones in the school to still be listening to a teacher.

She finished and still they sat, as if in a trance.  She snapped her fingers and said "Have a great Thanksgiving break.  See you in December!"  They finally got up and started to leave.

Some said goodbyes, but soon they were all gone.  Racine Steel came in, looking down and confused.  Racine, the gorgeous boyfriend of Bobby Ray, and now pregnant and worried.  She came in to ask Grace Scope's advice.  At first Racine was determined to keep it, but Bobby Ray's initial attitude left her disturbed and feeling alone.  And her confrontation with Pastor Dan's New Life Baptist intervention squad left her angry and hurt.  What should have been a private decision was now a big public football.

Grace tried to talk to her without taking too strong of sides.  Who knew who might overhear?  The strongest thing she tried to communicate was that the decision was hers, and that no decision she could make would be wrong if it was truly her own.  But the reality was, no matter what decision she made, Racine's life was upturned for good.

Racine was close to tears, but she didn't cry.  She was not that type of girl.  She kept a tighter reign on her emotions than most.

After their talk, after Racine left, Grace was still unclear as to what Racine would actually do.  She just hoped that her parents were good, kind and decent people and would support their daughter no matter what.

Soon the students were gone.  So were many of the teachers.  She went down to the teacher's lounge for one last coffee before hitting the road herself, and maybe for one more thing.

Ronnie Smith was in there.  A rather large man, he was finishing something from the refrigerator before leaving.  Well, to call him large was actually quite modest.  Ronnie Smith, the Civics teacher, was north of 350 pounds.  He was friendly and polite to Grace, even though they were polar opposites on politics and other matters.  He asked what she was doing for Thanksgiving.  Grace told him she was going to Athens to see family.  They wished each other the best, and Ronnie went his way.

She stood in the back of the lounge, slowly sipping coffee, leaning against the counter.  Then the chemistry teacher came in.  Her heart skipped a beat.

She never thought she would be involved with somebody that was married.  She didn't mean to break the rules.  Some things couldn't be helped.  The power of mutual attraction becomes too strong, and you get swept away.

They agreed to a rendezvous in Macon on Friday, as she made her way back from Athens.  There were always excuses, if one was determined enough.

They meant to be restrained, but they began to kiss.  She felt a hand begin to explore underneath her blouse.  Then they heard a voice down the hall.  They pulled away, eyes looking longingly at each other.  They would have to wait until Friday.

She did not feel like she was busting up a marriage.  By all accounts, it was not a good marriage and would break of its own accord.  At least that's what Grace told herself.

After the divorce, who knows?  Maybe they could get married.

Just not in this State.

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