Monday, March 10, 2014

The Year's Shortest Weekend and Other Monday Musings

Dorothy and her magnificent friends, the highlights of another triumph by WACT at the Ritz.

I don't care what the clock says.  

It's really 5 AM as I write this, not 6 AM.

Thank you, powers that be, for making the shortest weekend of the year in the middle of tax season.  One less hour to enjoy on an already brief weekend.  Oh, well.  It's over and done now.  Sooner or later, my biological clock will adjust.  


On the bright side, we enjoyed a magnificently performed musical at the Ritz Saturday night.  We saw The Wizard of Oz, and the performances were excellent.  Great set and staging, and with a live orchestra!  Both Saturday night and Sunday afternoon were sold out, and the crowds loved it!

This was not a straight interpretation of the movie, or the book, but a very interesting retelling, with enough interesting changes to keep even the most dedicated Oz-a-phile on their toes.  I wasn't completely surprised because I had seen the version a long time ago when I was living in Stone Mountain, but I don't think many people have seen it.  If you are anywhere near Waycross, or can be this weekend, and you have not seen it yet, you owe yourself to go ahead and make reservations right now.  It will be performed Thursday to Saturday night at 8 PM, and Sunday afternoon at 2:30.


Lent is now officially underway.  Ash Wednesday service was very nice, and so was the first Sunday in Lent.  Traditions and the style of worship changes slightly.  The altar is more "stripped down", and the service is simplified in some ways.  I will not be able to participate in as much as I would like, but I will be doing everything I can.

My step down of use of social media has not been easy.  It is hard not to share and engage.  But I continue to post blog stories and other basic tasks, including direct messages and e-mails.


66% of tax season is complete.  Whoopee do.


The missing plane out of Malaysia is very baffling story, almost like a real life Lost.  Hopefully, we will find out more in the next week, for the sake of those families who have loved ones that were aboard.  There is a ton of speculation as to what happened, but no one has a solid idea yet.  The boarding of people with stolen passports is deeply troubling.


Benjamin and I spent an hour or so Saturday at a Community Yard Sale that occupied much of downtown Blackshear.  It was overall nice to get with Benjamin, and we saw some friends and family, but it was kind of depressing to see books go so cheaply.  One table basically told me to just take the books for free - they just seemed to want them gone.


It was a down weekend for writing,  I received some negative news about some of my attempts to get published, and I was rather discouraged.  Nothing fictional emerged from me.  I shook my feelings off long enough to post something from my Dad's genealogical research, but that was about it.

I'll get back on the horse again, no matter how much it's like tilting at windmills.  Better that than giving up.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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