Wednesday, January 27, 2016

To Post or Not to Post

Benjamin Strait as William Shakespeare, part of the Living Museum he participated in when he was at Blackshear Elementary.

To post or not to post - that is my pondering
Whether it is better to leave blank page
Or to suffer the misses and barrows of outsized emptiness
Or instead to take pen against a sea of fogginess
And by writing dissipate them. To divest - to sleep -
No more. And by sleep to say we forego 
The failed writing experiment, and the thousand disses
The social media is heir to. Whoa!  There's the rub!
For in that writingless vision, no dreams will come,
And when I have shuffled off this mortifying internet
It makes me wonder.  There will be no applause
That makes me get through my calamitous day job,
For who in my field would bear my meandering time,
The actor's song, the proud writer's misphrased longing,
The pangs of silenced creativity, the dreams delayed,
The silence of my attic office, and the inadequacies
That my lack of true merit takes on me,
When I might with written word make
With a bare sheet of paper? But who would care
If instead I grunt and sweat in weary career,
But forego the risk of something post-accounting -
The undiscovered creative kingdom, from whose path
No traveler truly arrives - puzzles my hopes
And makes me rather bear the career I have
Than to fly to one we know will not pay the bills?
Thus conscience turns me into a wimp,
And so my truest desire on these foggy morns
Is fickled over with the pale cast of fear,
And creative enterprises of great wish and moment
Are on these cloudy minded days turned away
And lose the hope of action - Darn it now!
The fair Blogland!  Strait Line, in thy horizons
Be all my disparate thoughts regarded.

Better luck in the 'morrow


  1. Great poem! Glad you shared it. Have a great day!

  2. Thank you! Thanx and a hat's tip to ol' Will Shakespeare, as well!
