Monday, November 5, 2018

Bright Morning Monday Musings

This morning I got up, a little bit earlier than usual, more like 6:15 AM rather than 6:30 AM.  Even in my semi-retirement, when where most of the days that I do go to work I'm arriving around 10 AM or later, I still like to get up in the morning,

One of the first things I do is walk.  I love getting out in our quiet neighborhood (well, except for the dogs that I wake up), and walking before the sun comes up.  It gets the creative writing juices flowing, and prepares me for the rest of the day.  It's an excellent start to my efforts to eat better and reduce my high blood pressure.

And I don't mind the dark.  There are street lights, and many houses have lights on as people start to get around for their work day. 

But not anymore.  It was light and bright, even though I had gotten out earlier than usual, I thought I had actually slept in and had had the time messed up.

Then I remembered.  Daylight Savings Time had ended over the weekend.  Now it would be darker earlier, and brighter earlier.  If I like waking before the sunrise, I'll have to get up an hour earlier.

Nahhh.  Hard pass.


Alison and I got out to Brunswick Saturday, for an early celebration of our 22nd wedding anniversary (November 9th).  We saw the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, which was based on Freddie Mercury and Queen.  I found it very entertaining, something that I enjoyed more than A Star is Born (Lady Gaga was outstanding, but I wasn't thrilled with the plotline or ending).  This movie was much more life-affirming.  The decision to end on such a long segment of a Live Aid performance was a risky move, but it paid off.  Hard to keep a dry eye and not be swept up in it.


My diet must be working some.  We ate at Cheddar's, and I couldn't eat all of my meal.  I hadn't ordered that much, and I was surprised to box so much up.   I am a charter member of the 'clean-your-plate club", but I was genuinely full.  Now if I can only avoid buffets and Pizza Inn.


Did you think you were going to get away without Tom Strait mentioning politics?  HAHAHA!  O, ye naive and precious ones!  There's little left to say, except if you give a ripping booha about democracy and our republic, you'll want to provide a check on the orange one.  If you can't see that,  I'm not sure what kind of news bubble you've created for yourself. 

I have other blog posts where I make predictions.  You'll have to check those out for specifics.


I'll report more fully later, but I am happy to report that after five years, I finally had success in the OHC Writer's Contest!  I won first prize in both Poetry and Short Story!  I love to write, but frankly, have received very little affirmation from people who don't know me.  I am grateful and encouraged.


Well, I think I'll have a spot 'o' breakfast, and then gear up to continue The Extra Credit Club.

Until next time.

T. M. Strait


  1. Congratulations, Tom!

    1. Thank you! First time in five years that finished in the money!
