Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Morning After

Quick thoughts on an election in flux -

The Democrats take the House!

Numbers are not final, but it looks like it will be close to my last prediction - D 228 R 207.  It should be at least this, and probably even slightly better.

We finally have a check on Trump's march towards authoritarian fascism. 

Notes of caution:  Yes, use the power to investigate and challenge the administration, and make it see consequences to their corrupt behavior.  But don't go overboard.  Let Benghazi be a lesson to you.  If the American people think you're being petty, it could backfire on you.  It's going to be a delicate balance.

Have the stones to pass bills, even if Mcconnell won't bring them to the floor of the Senate.  Common sense didn't stop the Republicans from trying to repeal Obamacare dozens of times.  Show the public where you would go on healthcare, protecting Social Security, immigration reform, infrastructure plans.  The majority of Americans support your position. You don't need to hide them.

Nancy Pelosi is a brilliant leader, one of the best Speakers of all time. better show some new leadership, some dynamism if you expect to continue to win new voters.  Screw seniority and elect one or more of the newcomers to leadership positions.

The Senate stays Red!

Again, it looks like they will be at or close to my final projection - R 53 D 47.

There are some real scumbags coming into the new Senate - especially Marsha Blackburn of Tennesse and maybe (gag me) criminal con-man Rick Scott of Florida.  And Ted Cruz is coming back - BLECH!

The remaining Democrats are more progressive and united.  They just need to stand as strong as they can.  Unlike this election, the map favors them in 2020.

Georgia and Florida Disappoint

Results are not final, but it does not look good.  Gillum for Governor and Nelson for Senate were very close (Nelson might wind up close enough for a recount).  A racist Governor and a Con-Man Senator.  Well done, Florida.

There MAY be a run-off for Governor in Georgia, but that looks dim.  Who knew that having one of the candidates as the referee would make such a difference?  I did, unfortunately.

Progressives Do Well

No, I do not know the final numbers, and I see already the main street media trying to say the opposite...BUT...

Many of the newcomers won on progressive themes, particularly in the house.

The Democrats incumbents that went down in the Senate were Corporate Blue Dog Democrats. 

No, some progressives challengers did not win. But they were far more competitive than their Corporate counterparts.  Beto O'Rouke, Andrew Gillum and Stacey Abrams (maybe - there's still hope for a runoff) all came very close, and that closeness helped pull other Democrats in their state over the winning line.

And universally, Progressive incumbent Senators handily won re-election.  The best contrast? Donnely of red/purple Indiana goes down in flames by 10 points, Sherrod Brown of purple/red Ohio wins by 6.

Other notes

Many state legislative bodies and Governorships did flip to blue.  That will help improve Democratic odds in 2020.  Most excitingly - WE GOT SCOTT WALKER!  SCOTT WALKER FINALLY GOES DOWN!!!

Racism and hatred of the other worked in many contests.  That was terrible to see.

There are many danger signs ahead, but for today, I am just grateful that the worst President in American History finally as a check on power.

So, today, I guzzle caffeine to recover from my late night of election watching and savor what we did.

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