Friday, November 16, 2018

Dreamer by Cheyenne Irby: Another 2018 OHC Writer's Contest Student Poetry Winner!

In the five year history of the OHC Writer's Contest, no one has won more awards than Ware County student Cheyenne Irby!  Above she is pictured holding her certificate and check with OHC Director Elizabeth Simpson. Here is her second place poem!

by Cheyenne Irby

I dream of nothing every night
I float surrounded by an endless dark
But after a moment I always look closer
Refusing to believe that is all there is

When I look close enough I see stars in the black
Winking in and out of existence
I see shadows too, dancing to and fro
Graceful even without a light to guide their steps
Fearless and beautiful

A shadow halts and holds out an arm
'Beckoning me to join in their revelry
After a moment I timidly accept
And I'm pulled into the whirling dance
Stumbling, unsure

Slowly I adjust to the blistering pace
My steps and sways growing more certain
And a laugh bubbles up from within me unbidden
That I let free and let wash over like a melody

Suddenly a light floods the darkness
And I cry out in pain as I'm blinded
I stumble awkwardly and nearly fall
But I am caught by a strong hand at my wait
Steady and unmoving

I open my eyes to see rolling fields
And rejoicing people have replaced the shadows
They help me up and I smile along with them
As I am pulled laughing once more into a dizzying dance
Mystical, musical

I awake

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