Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election Continues Afternoon November 4th: Sort of a Live Blog 4

 12:03 PM

Well, here I am.

I took a shower.  I would love to read or take a project or binge a fun show, but I cannot stop thinking about this.  I can't look up until I know we're ok.

12:08 PM

Still lost in why someone would vote for Trump.  Many of the people around here say it's abortion, but that's just an excuse. It's not even any political ideology - socialism, capitalism, whatever.  It's tribalism, pure, and simple.  They see they're losing their grip and they're doing everything they can to stay in control. And they are manipulating our system in order to preserve it - that's why the extreme emphasis on the Supreme Court.

And yes, there's a religious element to it, but ultimately, it's no form of Christianity I recognize. It's just another badge the tribe wears.

12:34 PM

At some point, when I was busy not looking, MSNBC courageously projected Hawaii for Biden.

Biden 227 Trump 213

1:30 PM

I may leave for a little while and consume lunch.

Nothing much to report other than Biden widening his lead in Michigan, and his national vote lead - already has received more votes than Clinton or Obama did.  He may have received the most of all time.  I'll have to check.

2:18 PM

Nice homemade meal.  Now on to see where things are.

AP has projected Wisconsin to Biden.

MSNBC has forgotten they have an electoral map.

So AP now 248 Biden 214 Trump

Ok, now MSNBC joins the Wisconsin parade.

237 Biden 213 Trump

MSNBC is still holding out on calling Arizona.

3:09 PM

I guess the Trumpers are out in Philadephia, maybe to try and stop the count.  Is this a great country or what?

Maine giving one electoral vote for Trump

MSNBC 237 Biden 214 Trump

4:25 PM

Heard Biden. Very good, very Presidential, wanting to work with Republicans.

That's a nice thought.  I'm very skeptical.  But that's a nice thought.

I'm not really very Kumbaya right now.  Millions of my fellow Americans voted for a racist fascist, a Covid Superspreader,  a man wanted them to drink bleach, who delighted in separating families and keeping kids in cages, a man who violates his oath of office on a daily basis.

Hard to reconcile that in my head right now.

4:30 PM


MSNBC 253 Biden 214 Trump

Another Blue Brick in the Wall!

Now it's AP that's hesitating.

5:39 PM 

Biden has now received over 3,000,000 more votes than Trump.  That exceeds Hillary's margin.

AP hasn't given Biden Michigan, MSNBC hasn't given Biden Arizona.  Consolidate the team, man!

I'm tired.  Sometimes.  I still can't let this go.  I'm planning on working at least a few hours tomorrow, so that could be interesting.

6:00 PM

AP just added Michigan to the Biden column.

AP 264 Biden 214 Trump

He just needs Nevada and it's a done deal.

On MSNBC, I just listened to a guy who is their most experienced Nevada political reporter. He says the ballots that are out are mail-in ballots in Clark County (Las Vegas), a county that is heavily Democratic. If Arizona and Michigan hold, which I believe they will, that will get Biden to 270. Everything after that is gravy.

Nevada will not report that vote until tomorrow.


I'll start another open blog, but that one could run awhile, as it will take Pennsylvania a dew says to finish counting.

Hang in there, people!

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