Thursday, November 5, 2020

Election to 270 #1: Sort of Live Blog 5

 7:20 AM

I'll probably keep this up until most major news sources show Joe Biden with 270 or more.

I did get more sleep, feeling it was close, and that Biden had more pathways than Trump did.

But it's still not sealed yet.

The two counts I'm watching remain the same as last night -

MSNBC 253 Biden 214 Trump 

AP  264 Biden 214 Trump

The difference between the two counts is Arizona.  More vote came in last night, but Biden maintained his lead.  Since it's mail-in, in a county that is slightly Democratic, I am optimistic.  

The same holds true in Nevada.  The block missing is mail-in/absentees from a heavily Democratic county, Clark County (Las Vegas).

The same holds true in Georgia and Pennsylvania.  The vote is still being counted, and Biden continues to close the gap.  Biden is now just 18,000 votes behind Trump in Georgia.  I remain a little skeptical, as I know who controls the voting process in Georgia, but we'll see.

I can't tell about North Carolina and Alaska.  North Carolina hasn't really changed since election night, and I'm sure what their problem is, and what is expected to come in.  Alaska is just a mystery. Half their vote is in and Trump leads 62% to 33%.  What's left to come in, and is there like a super-liberal part of the state I've never heard of before?

Currently, as of writing this around 7:30 AM, Biden leads Trump by 3,486,642 votes.  That's a larger popular vote lead than Hillary's.  Biden also has not just the plurality of votes but also the MAJORITY (50.5%).  ALSO, he has the largest number of votes of any Presidential candidate in history.  And there are still millions more to be counted, mostly in Biden territory. In any other nation on Earth, this would already be a done deal.  Thank you, slave-holding states, for the archaic Electoral College.

2:18 PM

Back home from work.

Some election chatter but I just closed my door.   I figured if Biden got 270 or more, I could have a Kick-Ass Mime Party.  

One of the biggest problems in discussing politics is not just them but also me.  I tend to get aggravated and emotional, and there's too much chance of me losing my cool.  I don't want to be that way, but I'm smart enough to recognize I am that way.

I can't really tell that much has happened.  A little bit of Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania vote has come in, but not enough to be called.  

Georgia is getting incredibly tight.  Biden now only behind by 13,220 votes!  I would live it if I could be living in a blue state.  I don't know how much vote is left.

My sister in Michigan, who has been able to watch more closely than I have, says it maybe tomorrow or even Saturday before we know.  Oy!  More time for Captain Bone Spur's craziness!

4:25 PM

Feeling a little queasy.  No decision yet - not sure when it's coming.

I can't keep staring at the sun.  I have to break away from this.

I will update when I can.

5:47 PM

Biden now behind Trump in Georgia by 9,525 votes.  I don't know how many remain to be counted.

No other significant movement.  Oy.

I did post a message to a friendly FaceBook group about what I think Biden should do.

I have an important suggestion. The second that a major network projects Biden with 270 or more electoral votes, Biden needs to move like he is the nominee. He should be called President-Elect and he should immediately announce his transition team. This is the strategy the Bush Jr. team used in 2000. It's time for Democrats to play hardball and be assertive.
6:41 PM
See how by copying something my margins have moved.
We are not watching MSNBC much because we have had our fill of Steve Kornacki.
9:47 PM
Getting closer.  Oh, so closer.
Georgia is within 1,902 with mostly Democratic counties out.
Arizona has tightened slightly, but Biden still leads by 46,287.  Kornacki is driving me crazy with this one.  Is Maricopa County which is in BLUE Republican or Democratic?  He can't seem to make up his mind.
Biden has rapidly closed on Trump in Pennsylvania going from several hundred thousand votes, down to 41,962, with A LOT of Democratic votes yet to be included.
Nevada must of quit and gone to bed or the casinos or whatever and won't report again until tomorrow.
I've heard that North Carolina might not report until November 12th.
There was some thought that Biden would speak tonight, but as of now, they've rescheduled for tomorrow.
Oy, my heart!

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