Monday, September 24, 2012

Four Day Break and Other Monday Musings

I took Thursday off in addition to Friday this week.  That is officially over now as I prepare once agian to return to work.  When Monday hits, it doesn't matter whether the break before has been one day, two days, three days, four days or even ten days.  The reality is - you're going back.

This break was not really one of leisure.  I had a specific task that I wanted to achieve   I have taken on the responsibility to complete a script for the Flying Dragon Arts Center's upcoming November performance of Robin Hood.  I've done a number of writing projects, but I had not written a play before.  I spent most of Thursday writing large chunks of Act 2.  On Saturday, I reviewed what I had done with my collaborator, Karissa Cook (whom her boy Noah came over earlier in the day and got to play with my son Benjamin), who has done much in the way of suggestions, reviewing my impulsive grammar, keeping me on track, formatting the play into something readable and presentable.  One of the great things about theater is that it does take a lot of people working together to make something wonderful.  Young actors, parents contributing time and costumes and all kinds of help, stage and scenery from the Jeffords and others - it will take many, many people's talents and time to make this work.

Of course, for every choice made, there is another choice foregone.  I had hoped to try for Waycross Area Community Theater's (WACT) A Christmas Story, as I thought it might give Benjamin and me a great opportunity to act together.  But I don't think that's a commitment that we can take on in addition to Robin Hood.

We also prepared the house for pictures today.  The real estate agent listing our house is coming to take pictures to run on her web site listing.  I had no idea all that it would take to make our house "presentable".

I sped watch the Emmy's through the miracle of the DVR.  One of my favorites, Modern Family swept the comedy awards, but most of the awards went to shows I don't watch.  The humor in the show, what I saw, was fiarly middle of the road, not truly awful but not truly great.

Mitt Romney's presidential run continues to implode.  I think it's hard for the very conservative people around where I live to comprehend that, so they're starting to get more surly.  On the national front, some of the big money donors, like the Karl Rove controlled super pacs. are thinking about focusing more on the Senate.  That's good that they are giving up on the presidency - not so hot about the Senate as nothing much will happen in this country until the Republican filibuster in that body is over or diminished.

My predictions this year aren't complicated so I can quickly repeat them here - President Obama wins re-election at a margin greater than his victory over McCain/Palin, the Democrats retain the Senate and perhaps gain a seat or two (so the filibuster-control the Republicans have will stay - the new majority is the new 40), and the Democrats will gain a moderate number of seats in the House but not wenough to wrest control from the Republicans.

Well, work time beckons.

Until next time,

T.M. Strait

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