Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday on a Tuesday

Labor Day weekend is almost a pure holiday down here in the South.  There's not much discussion about what it really means.  There is much discussion about how we need to grasp the real meaning of Christmas.  Everyone is made very clear that Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and even Fourth of July, has to do with the military and soldiers.  There seems to be no doubt about the purpose of Valentine's Day and Halloween (besides being a way to sell candy and costumes).  But Labor Day?  Except from a handful of my liberal friends, there seems to be little or no discussion as to the holiday's true purpose.

Not that people aren't out and about.  We went to St. Simon's, with my middle son Doug, scouting some of the locations for his upcoming wedding.  It was the first time in my many visits to the island that I set foot onto the resort The King and Prince.  Very fancy place, and the reception room they will use had a spectacular view of the ocean.  The beach was as crowded as I'd ever seen it.

We went to restaurant at the marina called The Coastal Kitchen, testing it out as a place for the rehearsal dinner.  This time the potential room for the dinner would be a beautiful overlook of the marina.  If they can accommodate a group that will be about half vegetarian, I think it will make an excellent choice.

I have decided to take a more active role in the production of Robin Hood.  What this means to any potential participation in A Christmas Story, I don't know.  But I am enjoying rewriting and working on some scenes, and I see a lot of potential for our Flying Dragon children to have a good ol' time.

We stand on the verge of another political convention, and although this is essentially my team, I'm not much more enthusiastic about it than I was the RepubliCorp one.  I do think it will be a well-managed convention with a clear message.  Infotainment at it's finest!

Today is what they call a furlough day in Pierce County.  It's a fancy way of cutting pay to those working in the school system.  The war against public employees continues, led by the Republican dominated Georgia state legislature and Governor.  When educators try to blame Barack Obama for this, it just makes me want to laugh and laugh and laugh.  And then cry just a wee bit.

Sadly, this week also saw the passing of Chase Brauda, a young man who had been valiantly battling leukemia for more than a year.  His family and friends will miss him a great deal.  The community has shown a great deal of support to Chase and his family, and I know that support and prayer will continue,

Until next time,

T.M. Strait

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