Monday, September 17, 2012

Getting A Move On and other Monday Musings

Everybody feels more comfortable one place or another.  We've lived in the boonie outbacks of Pierce County for about seven years now, but quasi-country living really is not naturally suitable to either Alison or me.  Alison prefers living directly in town, in a secure neighborhood where she is able to comfortably walk and knows the neighbors.  Me?  I would like to live in a 2400 square foot condo in a university town set near the mountains and the ocean.  Since her vision is more practical, we're going with hers.

We've been looking off and on, particularly in the City of Blackshear, just to see what was available.  The homes have usually been more expensive in the city (city being a relative term, as we are only talking about a town of a few thousand),  A few weeks ago we added a residential area in neighboring Waycross called Cherokee Heights.  The homes there were priced better, more in line with the county area we live in.

But it was hard for us to move too hard, as we had not put up our home for sale.  We had seen many homes for sale for months on end in the two county area, and were worried about how long it would take us to sell.  On Wednesday we made inquiries of a realtor that we were told would be an aggressive and helpful agent for us.  She gave a good starting selling price on our house, and said she had somebody ready to look at it on Friday.

We did a marathon clean-up and jam-up, and the people saw the house.  And two hours made an offer to buy it, a good offer very close to our asking price.  We are still negotiating some fine details, and it could still fall through, but we thought that was a very exciting and fast start.

And we suddenly have to scramble to find something quite a bit faster than we anticipated.  We've found some good ones, but nothing that rings all our bells yet.  So keep your eyes and ears open for us.  The city of Blackshear near College Avenue or Cherokee Heights in Waycross.

I have finished the first act of Robin Hood, and although it needs polishing, I think it's going to be a fun play enjoyable for both children and adults.  We have a tentative cast, although I'm not sure it's been announced yet.  Rehearsals should begin very soon.  I had not expected to get so involved in Robin Hood, but it's hard to pass up an opportunity to write, and I do love the Flying Dragon.  So keep checking here for progress!

The Lions almost came back last night, but an offside kick went slightly awry, and it was hard to overcome an excellent 49er team in their windy home stadium.  If the Lions ever string together two good halfs in the same game, they should be quite awesome!

Finished The Passionate Friends by H.G. Wells, written in 1913.  The book had amazing feminist overtones, with a woman pretty much demanding the same sexual opportunities of her Victorian male counterparts.  Interesting to see that kind of talk from that long ago.H.G. Wells was not just a visionary when it came to scientific breakthroughs, he was also forward thinking on many social and political issues.

Blog progress has stagnated a bit, but I am doing my best to get it growing again.  If you like teebee, don't miss my Ripping Good Yarn series about the TV fall schedule.  I also have the Saturday Political Soap Box, which is trying to stay focused on issues.  There is the ongoing saga of History of the Trap, which I hope to accumulate and make available on Smashwords.  And the odd pseudo-poetry I do on Thursday Midnights.  There will continue to be stuff about family, pets, Flying Dragon, other stories, musings, and what ever else that crosses from brain to the keyboard.  So keep watching!  Something is bound to splat across that you would like!

Until next time,

T.M. Strait


  1. Wow!! Amazing about your home. Hope it goes through just fine and that you can find something that pleases the whole family. Good Luck!

  2. It is funny how things work out sometimes. I hope it goes well.
