Monday, October 15, 2012

Changing Times and Other Monday Musings

Benjamin's life changes starting today.

He will no longer be able to play video games or watch television on school weeknights.

What brought on this new policy?  He brought home two B's this last grading period.  He ha gotten all A's the last two years.  He is now in the crucial middle school period, and we know that is an age when people often embark on their eventual course in life.  Not their career, per se, but their basic nature.  He is more than capable of getting as, so we are going to so everything we can to structure an environment to do so.

All parents are different in their approach.  Some don't put any pressure on grades at all.  Others put even more than we do.  Some don't allow any television or other nonsense in the first place.  Some have no restrictions at all.  On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being openly hostile to school and grades and 10 being where grades are the be all and end all of existence, Alison and I are about an......8.

And with politicians continuing to chip away at the Hope Scholarship, it's going to become harder and harder for Benjamin to get Hope and to keep Hope.  And, even though we are saving towards his schooling, getting the Hope Scholarship is absolutely essential for his college attendance.

We continue to look at homes.  Two in the City of Blackshear have taken forefront.  One is a home that would need very little work at the top of our budget range, and in a neighborhood that is good but not completely ideal,  The other is a home in a premium neighborhood  for an unusually low price, but that would require a lot of work.  And I do mean A LOT of work.

I am supposed to chaperon at a Cotillion event tonight, along with Alison   I am not really thrilled by that, because I'm not really an etiquette rules guy.  I'm not rude by any means.  I consider myself polite, albeit people have sometimes confused my innate shyness for rudeness.  I'm just not sure I'm up for being told I'm not bowing right, or whatever it is that they do.

The Tigers have started their series with the damn Yankees in spectacular fashion, winning the first two games of the series at Yankee Stadium.  But this is baseball, and I won't feel really secure until the Yankees have been completely vanquished.

There is a whole lot of fussing on Facebook about politics.  Not just the back and forth going on between those supporting one politician or another, but those fuming at the idea that politics is even being discussed at all.  I do have some sympathy for those not interested in politics   I really do.  But we live in a representative democracy, and politics and making informed decisions about these things are absolutely essential to the proper functioning of that democracy.  It would be nice if so much wasn't at the school yard level ( of which I freely admit my participation and responsibility, and more about ideas.  But trust me.  I've seen the page view count differences on my blog between when I try to tackle ideas as opposed to when I try to be controversial and anti-other party, and I know which one's catch people's attention.

 It's the old dilemma.  Everybody says they want to watch good news.  And then everybody winds up watching OJ or Casey Anthony.  Human nature!  What are you going to do?

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