Monday, October 1, 2012

Charging Through Time and Other Monday Musings

This is October first.  How the heck did that happen?  Where in the world did the month of September go? We push through months so quickly now.  I was startled to see several houses with Halloween decorations already up.  I have seen postings on Facebook already promoting haunted houses.  Halloween City is up here in town, and  friends have already talked about getting costumes.  The store are rife with Halloween displays and candy.  And I'm just thinking - isn't this at the END of October?  Why are we already pushing things that far that fast?  I mean, what's next?  Christmas displays?

Oh......yeah...they probably are.

There are events in November that are ticking closer.

My son Doug's wedding is coming November 3rd. Plans continue afoot for that.  Even though it's coming in a hurry, the planning for it has been at a more involved level than anything I've been directly involved with. It will be on the beach at St. Simon's near The King & Prince   It will have a mix of Hindu and Christian traditions.  Once the planning is done, it should be quite fun and memorable.

The Adventures of Robin Hood will perform the weekends of November 9th and November 16th.  I hope that whatever events are competing with this production (the fair, the latest Twilight movie) will not overwhelm this production.  We have a great cast, and I think it will be a fun and entertaining show.  Of course  I am tremendously biased, as the script was written by myself and Karissa Cook.  It is exciting to see these young thespians already bringing our words to life.  If you are in the Waycross area, you will want to see this show.

The election will be Tuesday, November 6th.  Things are looking up for the Democrats right now, but there are a lot of negative, vile ads yet to be run.  The most discouraging thing to date so far has been to watch the press focus on the debate coming up this Wednesday night.  Everything looks like it's going to be focused on who has the best one liners and zingers.  Hey, kids!  Policy don't matter!  It's like we're electing Head Comedian instead of the leader of the free world.  There you go again, mass media AND low-information voters!

The charge through time continues in other ways.  We attended a nice event at the Okefenokee Heritage Center, honoring the 100th anniversary of Ol' nine the train that is there, and the newly restored Hilliard House   While there, we completely lost Benjamin, We searched the train and the entire grounds.  We had the announcer use her microphone to call for him.  Alison was starting to scour the parking lot.  Then, after many minutes, I saw him coming up with a girl around his age, a girl who had been assisting with the event.  He told me that she had taken him on a "private tour" and that they had been inside some of the buildings there. Benjamin will be 12 December 7th.  I don't believe anything untoward happened, but I have to tell you, I am so not ready for this.

But it doesn't matter.  Time keeps charging forward,  ready or not!


  1. I've seen Christmas decorations already being displayed for sale in some stores! Kdc

  2. Had to laugh when I read the part about the "private tour". Sounds like your November is going to fly by. And yes, Christmas decorations are already out and about in the stores. And I even have some of my wrapping done.
