Monday, October 29, 2012

Stay On Target and Other Monday Musings

Stay on Target.  Young Robin Hood is rapidly approaching.  There are a hundred things to worry about and try to take care of.  I still have faith we will have a good show, but there doesn't seem like much time to put it together.  Props are coming together nicely, the staging is being set, there is music coming together, we have an unprecedented amount of promotion for our theatre, and some of the kids in the cast are making an extraordinary effort to learn their lines and really come into their parts.  Co-Director Karissa Cook is doing an incredible job of helping bring the play into focus and get things done. The above poster/flyer was her poster was her work and concept, and I have never seen one more perfectly capture the essence of a play.  Bravo!

As I continue in theatre, the biggest problem I see that seems to be growing over time, is the attitude that rehearsals are not mandatory.  Our attendance has been very spotty.  I know people lead busy lives and that this is a voluntary organization, but it makes things very difficult when only a half or less of the cast shows up at any given time. Also, the desire to learn lines seems to be less urgent.  I know it's a children's theatre and we are giving as many children as possible exposure, but I do wish that would be taken a little bit more seriously.

Stay on Target.  My son's wedding is coming this weekend.  In fact, the ceremony at the Hindu Temple takes place Thursday.  Alison will be wearing a Sari for it, and I might have to be barefoot - a very hard thing for me.  Then Friday is the rehearsal in St. Simon's, followed by the rehearsal dinner at The Coastal Kitchen, which is what Alison and I are responsible for.  That's scary, but we hope to do our best.  The wedding takes place on St. Simon's at the King and Prince.  He is my first to marry, and I am very excited.

Stay on Target.  The blog is becoming a little discouraging, particularly with the pressures of other things, but I am doing my best to live up to my commitment of a blog story every day.  This may become increasingly difficult over the next few weeks, but I will do my best.

Stay on Target.  The election is becoming a huge distraction, and a terrible knot in my stomach.  Yes, I know the economy is not where we hoped it would be, but overall, I don't see the rationale behind  not supporting President Obama, and I am becoming concerned that I don't yet see the separation I expected.  Meanwhile, this area is becoming increasingly unpleasant as my son is harassed, other pro-Obama friends and family are afraid to speak out, and I see people every day who should know better but just don't seem to care.

Stay on Target.  Our house is sold, and we have contracted for another one.  However, the house we bought is not move-in ready, and we are having trouble finding a month-to-month rental that will take our cavalcade of pets.  It looks like stuff associated with this move will stretch way into tax season.  Oh, joy.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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