Saturday, October 6, 2012

Discussing Abortion Saturday Political Soap Box 41

Some issues are more divisive than others.  They hit to the core of who we are and what we believe.  It is hard to be compromising on an issue that one feels to be on the other side is tantamount to murder.  

Ah, elections!  The time when we should be discussing issues but instead focus on birth certificates and dogs on roofs of cars.  When the latest inadvertent misstatement is more important than the direction they'll take the country.  When the election of the other guy will lead to a thousand years of darkness.  In the face of that, I will continue to try to focus on some basic issues and what I believe is the direction we should take. And yes, I am taking a sacrifice in number of page views by going this route instead of the Mittbot Thurston Howell route or that darn Kenyan Socialist route. 

I believe that abortion is wrong and immoral, under most circumstances.  But I see no value in criminalizing the relationship between a woman and her doctor.  We need to increase our support and understanding of mothers and their children in this country, and we need to increase the availability of birth control.

My feelings on this issue will please no one who are adamant on either side of this issue.  Yes, when the DNA zips, life has begun.  A unique entity, however early, has been formed.  A combination of traits that will never occur again.  I do get upset when people talk about "it's my body, I'll do what I want"  That's true in a way, but there is also another entity to take it account.  Just because it is not independent yet does not mean it should not be taken into consideration.

At the same time, those who seem to be concerned about the fetus but drop all support of the child infuriate me.  If you are going to be anti-abortion, then support of the mother and child become paramount. don't bitch about welfare mothers, cut education and family support, treat people like lazy, worthless sinners.  Do something to make things better AFTER the birth of the child instead of harassing abortion clinics, or trying to guilt-trip people.

Abortion is undeniably mixed up in sexual politics.  It is part of a host of positions designed to diminish the importance and political/social power of women.  It is another way for men to control women, by taking away their sexual control.

Laws eliminating abortion are about as effective as the laws to prohibit alcohol. If many people don't feel like it's wrong, or that they are compelled by life's circumstances to make this choice, they're going to find a way to make it.  I don't women dying because of back-alley or self-induced abortions.

Biblical commentary on abortion is very limited, and some passages take some imaginative twisting to get out of it what religious anti-abortionists what to get out of it.  Jesus did not directly address this.  Neither did he address something even more horrifying that was more clearly and frequently going on at that time.  Infanticide was practiced in that culture.  Parents would abandon to the wilderness babies that were not of the sex or health they wanted.  In modern terms, one of the worst, most morally offensive things they did at that time.  and what did Jesus say about it?  Nothing.  Not word one.

The best thing to be done, in my opinion, is to improve the cultural conditions in society that people don't feel like it is their only choice, support mothers and children and stop creating a society that deliberately impoverishes people, to promote birth control and intelligent reproductive choices, and for both sides to reach out with love and understanding instead of hatred.


  1. Almost total agreement with this Tom. I will not make a moral judgement, however, about abortion for others. I have never been in a position to feel pushed to make that decision and I'm grateful for that. Like you, I am more concerned about the children that are already here and suffering from hunger or abuse. Personally, I would rather a woman end the life before it is among us then see the birth of yet another child who will live in pain and become another "social problem". Children need more education, nutrition and loving care; if it's society's problem to make sure they get born it should also be society's problem to take care of them.

  2. I consider myself fairly universal pro-life, including opposing capital punishment and not real thrilled with blanket euthanasia (although I do respect the right to choose one's course of treatment). Although I do feel abortion in most circumstances is morally wrong, I don't feel like I have any place in that judgement process when it comes to individuals making decisions for themselves. I agree 1100% with your last sentence - we must be absolutely committed to the health and well-being of children.
