Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Ray of Hope in a World of Suffering

My thoughts are a-jumble today, but I will do my best to make a small bit of sense out of the seeming senselessness I see.

There is so much grieving and pain in this world, sometimes it feels hard even to breathe, to think of anything else.  Young mothers and fathers that fall ill and pass before they can fully raise a family.  Young children who suffer horrible illnesses, some who pass and leave a reeling family trying desperately to make sense of it all.  Watching older family and  friends age, sometimes in ways where they lose the strength and vitality we had come to know them for.

There are the wars and violence we inflict upon ourselves, often happening to the innocent and vulnerable.  There are billions living on bare subsistence on the planet, with little in the way of food and shelter.  There is the abuse we heap upon the environment as we watch climate change put us all at risk.

I know some may disagree with this, but God is not there to inflict pain on us, whether we warrant it or not.  Although there may be some kind of karmic balance to the universe, and evil choices most often lead to  destructive outcomes, it is not that simple.  So much happens to good, deserving people, that any sense that it is punishment for sin I find impossible to conceive. People are not poor because they're bad or undeserving of God's love. No child anywhere has earned the illnesses they sometimes must bear.

But there is no need for complete despair. The most powerful force in the universe is love.  I call that God, others may call it other things.  But it exists and it is strong and can bind all wounds.

God does not promise that there will be no suffering, at least for now.  He only encourages us to love him, and to love each other.  I firmly believe the more we open our hearts to each other, the better the world will be.  It's through our mutual love and support that we will survive and transform this world of suffering.

We see it in our loving remembrance of those who have gone, in their good traits that carry on with us.

We see it in our love and support for those who survive and must face each day anew.

We see it in those who turn their grief into missions to make this a better place.  Parents and survivors who support foundations to fight the disease that may have taken their young one, or fight for laws that will make this a better, safer place.

We see it in those who fight and challenge injustice, who work actively for peace, who advocate change through non-violent and loving means.

We see it in the forgiveness of those who have wronged us.

If we remove the scales and fear from our eyes, we can see it everyday.  The little kindnesses, the ray of hope, the beacon of love.  It is there.

Grieve.  Remember. Even get angry at the injustice of it all.

But know this.

God loves us all.


  1. This is beautiful, to me.

  2. This is one of my top favs of your blog-pieces, Tom. Thank you for re-sharing it.
