Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bathed In the Blood of A Lamb

The water sprays down my face.
Cascades down my back
I swear I have it on scalding hot
But I can barely feel it

It's sweeping the stuff off my body
My breasts are now clear
I cup them and squeeze them clean
No longer would he touch them again

The bottom of the tub is pooling
Not just with water but also a color
A rich and vibrant red is now swirling
Off of my legs and into the drain

I reach out for a towel and cannot find one
How could I not have one in the bathroom
I step out of the tub and my feet grip the tile floor
The tile is pink like I'm skating on flamingos

I stand dripping, naked, unmoving
The towel must be in the bedroom
and in the bedroom he lies
waiting for me to do something

It was relatively easy to clean myself
But to clean him up will take some effort
Sheets to throw away, carpet to clean
And what could I do with the body?

Maybe I did not think this through as well as I should have
But it was time - I had had enough, I had!
Victoria was not going to be beaten down by him again
Jason now lay dead on her bed

I unfroze and came into the room
The body swirled in sheets on the bed
Funny how vulnerable he looked, almost effeminate
His back was to me, but he looked way too thin

Could death do that to you that quickly
And his hair was too long
Since when was his hair as auburn as mine?
Something was not quite right

I started to go around the bed to see Jason's face
When I heard ragged breathing coming from an unlit corner
I turned and saw that Jason had breasts
Beautiful, firm, melon shaped breasts

Jason is...not Jason?
I killed a woman? How could that be?
I started to gasp in horror as I began to see
Saw the face and was me!

No!  It's not possible!  I'm right here!
How could I be lying in the bed dead?
Blood pouring from a dozen cuts.
And what was that sound I hear in the corner?

The breathing grew louder and it became clearer
The one in the corner was Jason
Ans he was holding an ax
And staring blankly at the body in the bed

I began to scream, as loud as I could
Jason did not blink or move
He just kept clutching at the ax
And staring at the body

I was still naked
I was still screaming
I tried to put my hand on my body in the bed
And it passed right through it

Somehow my plan had went awry
Somehow he must have known my plan
And it became I that was to die
It was I that would inherit the empty land

Another figure came in
Standing on the other side of the bed
A woman dressed in a short black party dress
A young woman who looked like Neil Gaiman's Death

"Come, Victoria Lamb," she said.  "It is time for you to go."
I pleaded, "But this was not what I had planned!
What went wrong that I should wind up the one dead?"
"Does it matter now?", Death answered, as she brushed back her jet black hair.

Did it matter?  I guess not.
Jason could live with it now, try to cope with what he's done.
I was no longer needed here.
It was time to go to a different here.

I took Death's extended hand.
I could touch her and it felt wonderful.
It was true.  I didn't need to stay here.
I could now go off to a glorious new there.

Farewell, Jason!
Farewell, my fleshy, bleeding body.
Victoria Lamb was ready to go.
Bathed in blood no more.

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