Monday, July 15, 2013

A One Note Monday Musing

It's Monday.  And I'm a little more exhausted than even I normally am.  Monday morning is almost always a shock, but this weekend I got even less sleep than normal.

The immediate and extended family are all okay. I didn't lose any sleep over that.  And we weren't up late with parties, travel, or anything unduly entertaining.

I lost sleep over the Zimmerman trial.  Over the horrific reactions I have seen by some on Facebook or whom have talked to me. The sadness that we may have to face future George Zimmermans, that we have confirmed the idea that it is okay to shoot and kill unarmed teenagers and young men, particularly if they are black,

There was the expression that there would be riots in the streets because, I guess, black people are innately violent and that's just what they do.  That George Zimmerman had a right to defend himself, but apparently young black men do not.  That George Zimmerman's life would now be in constant danger because, you know, they just are that way.

There were peaceful, non-violent protests after the trial.  I would be disappointed and ashamed of our culture if there wasn't.  There is always the random crazies, but George Zimmerman has been and will be threatened less than our current President.  I come from a church that at least tolerates liberals, but even in that church someone was so filled with hate that they said that if they found Obama hurt in the middle of the road, they would not call 911 or anyone else to come help him.

I am haunted by the attitude expressed to me a few weeks ago, by someone who said in all seriousness that racism is a thing of the past.  They were startled and unbelieving when I told them it was not.

Flip the racial composition of the two parties involved in the Zimmerman/Martin incident and tell me it would turn out the same.

Watch what happens in the wake of the Voting Rights Act demise. Voter suppression laws are already being proposed and passed in the areas where supposedly racism is a "thing of the past".

Watch what is happening on Big Brother.  Yes, it's just a cheesy TV program, but it is also reflective of a social microcosm, where racism and prejudice are still thriving.

And those who feel it important to tell me that I am not a lawyer and I wasn't on the jury and therefore have no right to an opinion, so sorry.  For the most part you are right, but the chain of evidence leading to manslaughter is just too clear, and it is hard to come to any other conclusion.  I'm not saying the Zimmerman did not commit second degree murder, I just don't know whether or not the prosecution effectively made their case for it, and that is where I would have had to watch the whole trial and/or be on the jury to form a conclusion.  But once Zimmerman ignored what he was told and left his car, pursuing someone with a loaded gun - the rest just falls into place fro a manslaughter conviction.

Well, as a multi-topic Monday Musing, this post has been a real failing.  I guess that's what comes from sleepless nights.

And for those who think it is ridiculous to lose sleep over national events you have no control over, tough noogies.  I is what I is.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

1 comment:

  1. It always shocks me that racism is so alive and well. Are we not progressive enough that this should be a thing of the past? I have had difficulty reading Facebook posts about the trial. However, on a different note, I have also been pleasantly surprised. As many negative, awful things that have been smeared across the internet, I have also had several coworkers and "co-students" express positive reflections on the case that give me hope. Maybe one day this WILL be a thing of the past.
