Saturday, October 20, 2018

It Doesn't Matter: Saturday Political Soap Box 194

It doesn't matter?  What are you talking about, T.M. Strait?  Are you embracing nihilism? 

Oh, no.  Voting matters.  It matters a great deal.  The next election has democracy itself on the ballot.  Do we continue down the road of authoritarianism and fascism, or do we finally put a break on its unchecked ascension? 

Here's what doesn't matter -

It doesn't matter how busy you are or what excuses you have.  If you've been able to register, you have to vote.  Early voting and absentee ballots give you plenty of opportunity to cast a ballot.

It doesn't matter what roadblocks they throw in your way.  If you they deny you the vote, over some quirk or improper purge, it is your right to ask and get a provisional ballot.  Don't be turned away.  Don't give up.

It doesn't matter what the polls say.  If they say your candidate is ten points down or ten points up, you should react the same - VOTE!  The polls are not an election.  The polls have become increasingly unreliable for a number of reasons, including the use of cell phones, underrepresented populations, and basing on party preferences that may have substantially changed. YOU are the election!

Some have already voted.  BRAVO!  If you plan on voting, do not lose your determination.

Bureaucracy and suppression don't matter,  Media doesn't matter.  Polls don't matter.  The only thing that is important is -



*spoiler alert - IT DOES!

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