Thursday, April 11, 2013

On the Other Side of the Chambers

Entering the final chamber
Beside myself with joy
No taller than a Laimber
No longer a need to be coy

It sprays my whole body
With a disinfectant mist
It smells like lemon sodee
The germs cannot resist

Then a huge fan blows me dry
My jewels shrivel tight
It almost makes me cry
But that wouldn't look right

The chamber door begins to hiss
I see the light from your lab
My eyes squint so I still miss
Seeing you standing, being fab

My eyes adjust and I step inside
Someone hands me a robe
I look but you must hide
Nothing but a lighted strobe

"What's out there?." they ask.
Should I tell them?,  I think
Should I explain the results of my task
Or let them stew in a stink

I make it clear to them all
Without her I say nothing
I am not just trying to stall
Her not being there is a real sting

It would only be to her that I would tell
About the roses six feet high
The sliding canyon where I fell
The roaring sound that filled the sky

"Where is Melissa?" I  inquired.
She promised she would be here
Had that promise expired?
Did she succumb to fear?

"You don't know?" they replied.
"She's not here because she broke the rules."
"She feared that you had gone deep in tide."
"She went in looking for you, Jules!"

Then I must go back
Though I quake with fear
And face the roaring tack
And fight to bring Melissa here.


  1. Read 4 times
    Understood 0 times
    I need to go back to school!

  2. Journey to the center of theeeeeee fifth time I read, yet, am still in the DDDDarrrrrrtkkkkkk ;-)
