Saturday, April 20, 2013

Rushing to Judgement Saturday Political Soap Box 60

The horrible bombings at the Boston Marathon may be over, but they will live in our memory for quite awhile.  The police and law enforcement officials do deserve our support and appreciation for a successful apprehension.  The tools at their disposal and their fierce bravery and determination are to be commended.

I just hope that the aftermath of this does not result in the sweeping over-reactions that we are sometimes prone to.

We cannot protect ourselves to the point that we are prisoners of our own fear.  We cannot surrender what is most valuable in order to ensure safety.  The Boston Marathon must go on.  Our lives must go on.  Common sense security measures should be applied, but draconian limitations to our freedoms should not be tolerated.

We should resist sweeping comments about immigrants to this country.  We're virtually all immigrants here (even the Indians may have come across from the Bering Straits).  Many people from all over the world have come here and contributed to this great nation.  Ours is the story of the Great Melting Pot.  Our greatest communities are ones of diversity and respect.

We should not be led into attacking people's religions. The vast, overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country are dedicated, law-abiding citizens, principled and loving in their faith.  Every religion has those pushing it in untoward, vile directions.  Basically, if you are teaching hate and intolerance, no matter what you call your faith, you have gone horribly off course.

We should be proud of the millions in this country who identified with the plight of Boston, and sympathized and extended their support.  We should be proud of all the many citizens who rushed in to aid, at an unknown risks to themselves.  Despite our awful aberrations, we are still a people that cares, loves, and supports each other when terrible things happen. 

I have no great, sweeping policy recommendations at this time.  That may emerge as the facts are gathered.  Now I can only say -

God Bless America.

God Bless all the good and caring people here and all across the world.

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