Monday, January 13, 2014

Watery Weekend and Other Monday Musings

Benjamin spent his Sunday afternoon away from us.  Our friends and fellow parishioners, John Pharr and Carolyn McNeely took him to Brunswick, where he learned about what he could do to help take of the Satilla River, how he could help preserve and make sure the water was safe.  He learned testing techniques.  He enjoyed it, and is ready to join the Satilla Riverkeepers. Now, if he can learn to get over his genetically inherited terror of insects, he might actually be able to contribute year round.

There are a lot of people who use the river irresponsibly, polluting and contamination coming from both public and commercial users.  The number of river users who thinks it's okay to strew trash all over it is astounding.  Chances are anyone who reads this is not part of the problem, but you may know somebody who is.  If you can ask them what the hell they are thinking, why they think dumping crap in the river or on it's banks is okay.  I can't imagine what the answer will be.

Speaking of watery pollutants, one of the biggest news stories in the country, although you may not be able to tell that from the mainstream media, is that 300,000 plus are without water in West Virginia due to an industrial polluter leaking some very dangerous chemicals into the water supply.  The corporation that did this is and remains unregulated, because in West Virginia law, they only store and don't produce.  Expect more of these fun loopholes as TeaPartyPublicans continue to tighten their grip on Red State America.

Another fun fact about Republicorp hold on vast swaths of this great land is it's resistance to any upgrades or repair of infrastructure.  Benjamin left school Friday almost immediately upon arriving as a water main broke near the middle school and high school.  Without working water, they were not going to keep the kids there. The pipes and much of the water supply infrastructure in Blackshear is over a century old, made of clay, and is way past the need to be replaced.  In the current political environment, good luck getting that to happen.  We will just have to stagger from crisis to crisis.

There were strong storms this weekend, and at times we heard some loud bangs on our metal roof.  We never saw anything, but we suspect that there were some major tree limbs or other objects that gave, somewhere on or near our house, a good thwack.  The weather patterns in this area are such that when the temperatures drop below freezing, it is dry arctic air, ergo killing any chance of snow.  Then the temps warm up and lo!  - the rains doth come!

It was the weekend at our church to celebrate the baptism of Jesus.  There was much focus on the renewing spirit of water, and the life and rebirth it represents.  Sunday school discussed how God is in our very act of breathing.

All in all, a very watery weekend.  A vibrant necessity to the wonder of life, and the very renewal of our spirit.  And something we each have a responsibility for.  For helping to keep pure.  To holding it sacred and holy.  For without water, there is no life.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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