Friday, January 31, 2014

The Weather is Going to Get You

Watch out, politicians!  The weather and traffic are going to get you!

It is more swift and certain than any scandal or disagreement of policy, any corruption or personal sliminess.  Misdeeds do not count as much as misreads of the weather.

Even Tammany Hall machine politicians in the 19th century knew not to mess with basic services, and providing support when weather went afoul.  Mayor John Lindsay of New York city caught hell for handling snow and garbage collection wrong.

President Bush Jr.mishandled and set us down the wrong track on so many things, from Iraq to creating huge debt, tanking the economy and removing privacy rights.  But none of this was enough to make the American people turn on him.  It was Katrina, and a picture of him observing the mess in an airplane, regally flying by it, completely tone deaf to the mess that it caused.   His popularity never recovered.

Governor Christie emerged from the pack of contenders for national recognition when he put political feelings aside and embraced President Obama, seeking federal help in the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.  It helped him soar to a major re-election victory in New Jersey.  He had huge political popularity among Republicans, Independents and Democrats.

But the same things that made him made him broke him.  Using traffic congestion to get revenge on a stubborn mayor?  Using Sandy funds as a political cudgel to discipline opposing politicians, and to support redevelopment projects for your big corporate sponsors?  Found sleeping with a hooker or even a horse, taking gifts he shouldn't or strong arming public unions?  Those he could get way with, but deliberately messing with traffic and making your commute longer just for spite?  Unforgivable!

President Obama has escaped such judgments so far. He has enough political savvy to know to be all in, and offer help as quickly as possible.  And any politician worth his salt, no matter how conservative, should know not to penny pinch when it comes to weather crises.

Mayor Reed of Atlanta, whom I like, and Governor Deal, whom I despise with every fiber of my being, are both political toast.  Their response and complicity in the Atlanta SnowInch-Mageddon has done them in.  They will not be forgiven nor redeemed.  Is that fair?  Yes, they do seem to share some legitimate responsibility.  At the root, though, metro Atlanta has had a miserable time being able to properly develop infrastructure.  They have traffic problems in the best of times.  This state, and other states, often do a piss poor job of helping their major cities. Urban centers are the major economic engines that fuel a state's ability to progress and grow their economy.  But often rural and suburban politicians spend far too much time thinking the cities (often filled with, gasp!, minorities) are the enemies.

The American people, although not ignoring storm response, should also be focused on the engine that is creating more extreme weather in the United States - climate change.  Until we elect politicians determined to deal with that, than the traffic problems in New Jersey and Atlanta are going to look like chump change.

Be ready for a lot of turn over, American politicians!  The weather crises, unfortunately, may be just beginning.

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