Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Five Star Wednesday Wanderings

Have to include this....keep the publicity going!  This is gonna be a great show!

This will be a genuine five-star Wednesday Wandering.  My mind is fractured from work and being in the middle of Hell Week (eight day stretch of rehearsals and performances).

We also rehearsed last week quite a bit, much more than is usual, and as tiring as it is, I must admit that it has paid off.  The actors are melding together perfectly, and I think we're going to have a great show!


Speaking of great shows, my son Benjamin was in a great play at his high school last night.  It was a murder mystery that was written by two of his high school friends, and he played a lead role.  He was loud, charismatic, emotional and enunciated clearly.  I could not go to last night's performance, but I did attend their last dress rehearsal Monday afternoon.  

Benjamin is also participating in the One Act competition.  He does not have a part, but is assisting with stage work.  I'm proud of his behind the scene efforts, and proud that he will be part of a great team.  Pierce County usually does quite well in the One Act Competitions.


Football has been reduced to the Wolverines, a little bit of the Falcons, and then a huge cloud of dust.  The Falcons had a great victory, beating their rival Saints in New Orleans.  And the Wolverines continue to dominate, but their first real test will come against Wisconsin this Saturday.


The world brightened considerably when Hillary Clinton demolished Donald Drumpf in Monday night's debate.  Well, really, Drumpf did most of the damage to himself.  He stood out as the thin-skinned, undisciplined, unprepared, sniffling braggadocio coward that he is.


I am stunned by my friends who still support him.  Or who irrationally indicate that Hillary is as bad or worse.  No. No, she's not.  She's no where near my first choice to be the Democratic nominee, or more importantly, the Progressive standard-bearer, but to call her as bad as Trump is a complete disservice to reality.


And to those continuing to believe the health stories about Clinton (bizarre eye movements!  seizures!  Parkinson's!  brain damage!), for God's sake, check Snopes before you open your mouth again!  And check out the debate and tell me...who is the one (sniff! sniff!) who appears not to be in good health?

When you select a Presidential candidate, you're not electing an immortal God.  They are subject to human frailty like all the rest of us.  That's why we vote for a Presidential TICKET, that includes a Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidate.  That's why the Vice-Presidency is important.


Sadly, my writing and promotional efforts are currently disintegrating.  Hopefully, I can restore them soon.  Hell week will finish, and I can restore a better balance.


Lastly, I want to confess to a huge flaw in character, my weakness, my Achilles heel.  If you leave it to me to call somebody and ask them something, I will tell you I'm going to do it, and then 90% of the time, I won't do it.  It's not my intent to lie when I tell you that I will.  I have good intentions.  I just have no follow through.  I hate contacting people, and I keep putting it off until it becomes uncomfortably late and I just become more embarrassed and guilt ridden.

Just thought I'd let you all know.

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