Saturday, September 10, 2016
Why Are You Still Supporting Trump? Saturday Political Soap Box 141
Yeah, I know. It's getting frustrating. You still have friends and neighbors who you know are going to vote for this narcissistic bully. Sometimes they repeat the "he tells it like it is" crap. Sometimes it's the "he ain't bought and sold". Most frustratingly, it's "Yeah, he's terrible, but you know that Hillary is WORSE!"
Oh, give me a break.
It's the Emperor's New Clothes story lived out every day!
Can't you see that this fascist blowhard is a race-baiting lunatic?
Although he contradicts himself all the time, even within the same sentence, some things seem to be fairly consistent, and I have to ask you Trumpeteers, and those who under the delusion that Hillary is worse - do you really think you can vote for this guy? Do you really think so little of your fellow man and human civilization that you could placed this thin-skinned failure at the head of the free world?
Are you telling me that you agree that climate change is a hoax? Are you irrational enough to think it is a conspiracy by the Chinese? Do you understand that not only will he ignore the gravest problem facing mankind, that his pro-fossil fuel consumption philosophy will vastly accelerate the problem, until it reaches an irreversible planet wide death spiral? Are you okay with that?
Do you understand his proposed tax code changes are only designed to super-charge the income gap, largely centered on tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations with only little tiny bones thrown out to you? Do you know that he defended Mitt Romney's "47% of us are takers" remarks? Do you know that these reckless cuts combined with his claims to increase military spending and build his stupid wall, will spiral the debt to cataclysmic proportions? You cannot CUT TAXES, SUPPRESS WAGES, and SPEND LIKE CRAZY and expect not to plunge this country further and further in debt!
And speaking of the wall, you can't be serous, really? It will achieve nothing that a ladder, a boat, a tunnel, forged papers, etc, ad nausea-um, couldn't achieve. And Mexico will pay for it? Puh-leeze! Even YOU don't believe that! You just like the arrogant, belligerent, jingoistic, hateful tone of it. I know that I'm trying to win you over and I'm being too critical of you. But what can I do? How do I bring you to your senses?
You're okay with the hundreds of lawsuits he's started or had raised against him? Are you the same people who got mad because someone sued McDonald's over hot coffee? He'll sue if he doesn't like your body language! And you're okay with him outright bribing Sate Attorney Generals to drop the Trump University suit? You believe all the crazy conspiracy crap monkey-flung at Hillary, but all the well-researched illegal and unethical and nasty and Ayn Randian behavior of Trump has somehow miraculously escaped your attention? Get your head out of the damn sand before we're all destroyed!
And his praising of Putin, and his connections to Russian leaders and mobsters doesn't scare the bejeesus out of you? What happened to all my communist-hating Republican friends? Do you sell out that easily? Are you really that attracted to authoritarian monsters that your freedom radar doesn't go off when Trump starts moon-pieing over dictators?
Is it enough for you to have someone mutter "secret plan" when talking about the Mideast? Yeah, Nixon did that with Vietnam. How'd that work out? The Mideast is a complex mess that takes expertise and patience. It doesn't take a petulant child who thinks he can win by abandoning all humanity and principal by torturing in vile ways, and by slaughtering terrorist families, and by grabbing oil that doesn't belong to us like we were Viking pillagers. Violence without end, amen. You think the Mideast is a firestorm now? Go ahead. Elect Trump. You ain't seen nothing yet.
And his insult after insult doesn't bother you? Mexicans, women, Obama the secret alien Muslim, Goldstar families, mocking the disabled, calling his competitors vile and insulting names, It goes on and on and on. Is this what you mean by political correctness? Being rude and vicious, thin-skinned and short-tempered?
UPDATED: Are you okay with his sexually predatory language towards women? You do understand it's not just because he used foul language, but that ho chortled about how a celebrity CAN GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING? He uses power and celebrity as an excuse to grope and violate women any way he sees fit. That;s the true horror of what he said. The fact that women are coming out and saying that he indeed does WHAT HE CLAIMS HE DOES is just confirmation. Examine his statements and the way he conducts his life. Examine your heart. You know it's true.
Well, let me be politically incorrect for a moment.
Okay, I can't do it. Not on his level.
Let me just say....
Please, inform yourself. Don't be a low-information voter. Don't vote out of hate.
I beg of you. for the good of the country. For the good of our children and grand-children.
Don't vote for this foul, despicable man.
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Great post!