Saturday, October 5, 2013

How Dare They Close the Parks! Saturday Political Soap Box 74

On this beautiful bright morning, waking to a beach sunset, the gorgeous kind my parents used to love when they came down to visit St. Simon's, it is hard to think of politics.  But, thank you so much, Tea Party Amerika, there it is, an unnecessary crisis that we all must suffer through, while they undergo their spoiled little tantrum.

America's sunrise into an improved health care system is being clouded by the rainy storm and thunder from those blowhards, all their noise and anger signifying absolutely nothing, the equivalent of refusing to go to school, or to take your medicine.

My son makes his room a mess, refuses to clean it up.  We say he can't go in there until it's clean.  He starts protesting that we are not allowing him in his room.  Good thing he has a room instead ofa national   park.

It is the height of insanity.  My conservative friends are getting all up in arms about the closing of the parks.  YOU DID THIS.  THEY ARE CLOSED BECAUSE OF YOU.  Why are you attacking the President for closing them?  What do you think a government shutdown means?

I guess the infants that are losing WIC don't matter to you.  I figure Headstart or Meals On Wheels is meaningless in your world.  Or the fact that NASA is offtrack, that there are no labor statistics to track our recovery, that any applications for any government program or assistance will stop or be delayed, including mortgages.

Is it because you interpret the parks as wide open spaces people can just walk into?  Like the wide open spaces in the brains of Tea Party Congressman?  Sure.  I mean, really.  Aren't the Park Rangers only good for is public bearatement, like that Congressman did the other day? Federal workers are leeches, eh?  Why even bother to recognize them as human beings!

You want to end the madness?  Tell John Boehner to allow a clean vote.  End of crisis.  The parks open.

Oh, and mothers get WIC for their infants.

Not that they care about that.

As long as mothers can take their starving infants to the World War II memorial, I guess everything is just hunky-dory.

It's the Tea Party, my politically inattentive friends.

Try not to forget it. Our future as a constitutional democracy depends on it.

1 comment:

  1. I was sickened by that old crony trying to shame that park ranger. Ugh! Thank goodness for the guy who said something to him. I only wish HE would have reminded him who really was to blame. That would have been pure awesomeness!!
    I really pray that come this voting time, the American people vote those yahoos out along with the other Republicans that listen to them!! How much more will it take before it happens?? The one thing we HAVE to do next election is to make sure we elect another Democrat President....preferably a woman! :)
