Monday, June 4, 2012

Earl Lye In The Morning

Alison's work schedule has changed for the summer.  She will get Fridays off, but will have to go into work earlier to make sure sure gets the right number of hours.  That is great for the family as I have Fridays off as well.  Not so good for my morning routine.  I am up earlier, staring at a computer screen, trying to get my thoughts together while my brain is struggling to string together thoughts coherent enough just to realize what planet I'm on much less put together thematically sound writings.

But I will get used to it.  I will adjust.  So today it's just some random thoughts as I try to rewire my brain to this new schedule.

A Game of Thrones had it's last episode of the season last night.  Can't believe it's going to be another full year before it's on again.  Everything about it this year was very good.  I know there are slight differences with the books, but I don't think there's been any serious or irreparable breaches yet.  The one I'm least sure about is Danerys - it almost looks like they're trying to get her back to the Seven Kingdoms, and that would be way early for that.

I am so grateful to my son Doug and his fiancee Ramya for taking time out of their busy lives to spend a couple days with my father, who will be 90 June 29th.  Doug flew in from Atlanta and Ramya from California, via Chicago and then to my father in East Lansing.  They also spent time with my sister and their cousins Nicholas and Tiffany.  All this meant the world to my father, who was in good spirits and shred stories, videos and pictures of the past.  Ramya now has a better idea of the roots of our family, and what a powerful positive influence my father has been on us all.

As I have stated in an earlier post, I am not a big fan of recalls.  Given that, it is absolutely that Scott Walker lose in Wisconsin, and I am terrified of the awful repercussions if he does not.  Wisconsinites! - he has told his millionaire supporters straight out that he doesn't intend to stop with the public unions - he intend to crush worker's rights for every Wisconsin citizen.  Don't let big money win.  Don't let the birthplace of the best of progressive politics also be where it dies.

soon I will see a classmate for the first time since, I believe, 1993.  I am very much looking forward to it.  Some year soon I hope to come up to Bridgeport during Bridgefest and see many more.

I can't believe it, but it's already time to hit the door! Be confident, friends!  I will adjust!


  1. Many of us hope to see you soon, also, Tom!

  2. I hope so. Bridgeport is still by I-75, isn't it. ;) - Tom

    1. Yes, and hopefully still will be when you make it to Bridge Fest! hah!
