Monday, June 25, 2012

Torrential Glances

I can hear the wind accelerating,
Spinning into a whirlpool of flare.
There is no cow flying by
Only the branches that glare
Off into a swirling night.

If I step outside my door,
I think there's no one there
Ignore the howling wind
Then I see the distant stare
Coming from your house across.

One light shines from your bedroom
Across the way I see you look
Your hair is frizzled and standing on end
In your hand the gun you took
Your eyes aflame across our space.

Lightning strikes and there I see
As clear as clear can be
Your eyes ablaze at me
The torrential glance you tee
Right into the soul of me

Your window you pull open
And aim your gun my way
I hear a crack of lightning
But it is not lightning I say
It is instead the last thing I hear