Friday, June 1, 2012

Victory is Ours!

It worked!  I had 1,025 page views for May!  Woohoo!  That means....well, I don't know what it means, but....woohoo!  Noe it's onward and upward with my new goal of  1,100!  Can't put my foot off the pedal now!

It worked!  Flying Dragon is fired up and ready for a great summer!  There's a good chance that Flying Dragon has a new air-conditioned facility as I write this, although I have not received definite confirmation of it yet.  Regardless, the passions are a flowing and I'll think you'll see great things this summer from the Greatest Little Children's Theatre That Could!

It worked!  Yes, the stimulus package worked, by all objective measures you can find.  Any chart you can find, it's easy to see when the stimulus started, because that is when the numbers started to slowly improved.  Was it enough?  Of course not.  It was larded with extra tax giveaways that had nothing to do with stimulating the economy, and that was at the insistence of Republicans and Blue Dogs.  Want to help the economy in the short run?  It requires extended unemployment benefits, food stamps, aid to the states, and government work projects.  Want to help the economy in the long run?  That requires infrastructure investment, research and development, and money in education.  Support for underwater homeowners, relief from usurious interest rates. health care reform, financial reform - all these are important too.

It worked!  I have an adjusted work schedule where I know have Fridays off!  I am writing more, contributing more at home, and my attitude toward life is MUCH better!  It's a slight pay cut, but we are making it work and who knows, the next big blog may be just around the corner!

No, wait, I'm sorry, that's just Cocoa Bear, our dachshund-spaniel mix.

Here's to things working out!  Saludo!