Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ripping Good Yarns: Comic Book Edition

I started reading very early.  My mother taught me before I started school.  I don't really remember a time when I couldn't read.  And from that early time, I remember comic books.  When my mother would shop in the grocery store, I would go by the magazine section and look at the Classic Illustrated Juniors.  I had a fascination with comics with Princess in the title.  I imagined myself the rescuer of whatever princess was in trouble.  I remember my mother helping me mail-order three of them, with titles like The Dancing Princess and The Frog Princess, and the longest wait of my life anticipating their arrival in the mail,

This love affair with comics proceeded on, from comics based on TV shows I was familiar with to the inevitable preoccupation with superheroes.  Yes, I was there at the dawn of the age of Marvel superheroes. Over time, comics blossomed into so much more, with stories in all kinds of genres and interests.  As I grew up , comics also evolved, with many written for older readers, including Sandman and The Watchman.

And so it goes.  On into the present.  Yes, I still collect and read comics.  So do all three of my boys and Alison.  Not just as dusty relics, but as living, current story lines  As new comics we are reading and enjoying now.

Benjamin loves the Sonic comics, Mega Men, Young Justice and Mad Magazine.  Doug likes Deadpool The Walking Dead and Spider-Man.  Greg is a long time fan of Flash.  Alison reads Fables and Rachel Rising.  I read most of the Superman Titles, All-Star Western, Legion of Super Heroes, The Dark Tower, The Amazing Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and Buffy.

I will go into further depth on some of these titles, and also great comics from the past, in future stories.  So be prepared.  Comics books are an important of ripping good yarns.  Even the vast legion of you who don't read comics find it permeating into the movies and TV you watch.  And it's not just super-heroes - it's also the translation of many graphic novels into great movies.

So, comic book fans assemble!  Your favorites will be an important part of Ripping Good Yarns.  The rest of you, stand back and be amazed at the colorful, spectacular legacy that comic books have lit the entertainment with!


  1. I say "YAY" to The Walking Dead and The Dark Tower!!

  2. I get giddy over all the comics that come to life on the screen but I know more than the average bear on Dare Devil and X-men canon.

