Saturday, August 10, 2013

Long Term Optimist Saturday Political Soap Box 71

I have always been a short term pessimist and a long term optimist.  I believe that things will turn out right, but it might be a really rocky road getting there.

We will have a universal health care system, at least on the level of Canada's.  As the health care reforms fall in place, and some states do better than others, one of the states will explore single payer or a public option.  And like the provinces in Canada did, once one provinces sees it working in another, they will begin to adopt it all over this great land.  But before then, we will hear the squallering and the partisan viciousness as those on the right fight the coming of this tooth and nail.  But come universal health care will.  It is the economical common sense thing to do.  It is the right thing to do.  It is the moral thing to do.

We will reverse economic inequality in this country.  The country has not quite recognized it yet, but I have faith that it soon will.  Otherwise, let's just cut the middle man (ha! - which we are kind of doing by destroying the middle class) and officially name our super rich lords and ladies.  Wages have been stagnant.  Economic mobility - we now rank below almost all European nations.  It is more likely in this country that if you are born poor that you will stay poor, than in virtually any other industrialized country.  But I see Walmart works and food service workers and others trying to organize, and it gives me heart.  Maybe America won't become a feudalistic country.  Restring the middle class is the most economical common sense thing to do.  It is the right thing to do.  It is the moral thing to do.

We have made great progress in civil rights.  Some of the more evil barriers to African Americans have been removed.  Gays and the whole LGBT community are now more open, and their civil rights are rapidly gaining.  It has been satisfying and joyous to watch these changes, particularly among our younger generation.  But...prejudice and hatred still exist.  Voter suppression efforts have increased in recent times, not diminished.  Shows like Big Brother that even casual racism still exists.  Preachers still condemn homosexuality from the pulpit, not realizing the hatred and intolerance they inflame.  But progress is being made.  It makes economic common sense to include everyone.  It the right thing to do.  It is the moral thing to do.

We will adopt common sense gun regulation in this country.  Because at some point, we will not stand by and let our children be slaughtered.  We will not continue to let our dysfunctional political system continue to block legislation that vast majorities of us support.  I know that we have gun rights advocates, some of whom are very extreme in their intensity.  But when people calm down and look at this rationally, I know in my heart there are compromises we can make.  It makes economic sense to do so.  It the right thing to do.  It is the moral thing to do.

We will find ways to reverse climate change.  We need to stop nattering about whether it is real or not, get our heads out of the fricking sand, and RECOGNIZE REALITY.  It is happening, and this is one thing where my optimism is failing me.  I fear it may already be too late, but I pray that it is not.  Solutions lie around us (solar, wind, conservation, etc,) if we only choose to grasp it.  It will vastly improve our economy if we do, and make America number one in the world again, by leading the future in green energy.  It is the economically sensible thing to do.  It is the right thing to do.  It is the moral thing to do.  And if we want to save the planet and leave it in a livable state, it is the ONLY thing we can do.

It is my religious faith that drives me to be a long term optimist.  Jesus sacrificed himself for us for a reason.  And it was not simply so that we could mutter some denominationally  approved catch phrases and thereby gain eternal life for ourselves alone. It is to love God and love others, to be the hands and feet of Christ, and to move each day on earth one fraction of a step closer to heaven.

We can do this, people.

I have faith that, in the long run, we will do just that.

Peace out.

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