Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ripping Good Yarns: Book Selection OCD Style!

What do I read next?

Book lovers have their own different methods for determining that.  Some may go to the library and pick something they fancy.  Some may peruse ebook titles and download something new.  Some go to a great local bookseller, like Waycross' fabulous Read Me Again Books,  and pick out something that looks good, or they're advised to based on a knowing clerk's evaluation of their interests.  Others hear about books from their friends, and want to read them so they can share.  Others see a movie and then want to follow up with a book.

A handful may have actually bought a few books ahead, and pick out the one they are most interested in at the time they peruse their collection.

I, of course, do none of those things.  My selection method is individual to me, and I don't necessarily recommend it to anybody else.  It is something I enjoy, and have a great deal of fun doing, but I don't expect anyone to emulate it.  In fact, many of you will think it is down right weird.

Well, to each his own.

Nevertheless, I have received inquiries as to how I pick so and so book, or why I haven't started so and so book, so I thought some explanation was in order.

I have a notebook where I list every book I have purchased to be read.  I purchase quite a bit, because I love books, and nothing gives me greater pleasure (outside of the usual family and God exceptions) than getting new books.  But I do get them at a faster clip than what I can read.

As I select a book to read, it gets crossed off the list.  Currently, I have 75 books on the list to read.  This includes graphic novels and some science fiction magazines.  I select 10 books to read from the list, and read them in the order that they were selected.

I have dice as an app on my iPhone.  I roll a number, 2 through 12, start at the beginning of the list, and count down that number of unread books on my list.

I have a rolled a 7.

The first book I will read is Vol. 9 Bone by Jeff Smith.  It is a great all ages comic story that he has created, and this is the last volume of his epic.  Jeff Smith was honored as Cartoonist for Waycross's Cartoonist Walk of Fame, the very best idea Waycross has ever had, and has been abandoned in recent time. This final volume is entitled Crown of Horns.

My next roll is a 5.

The second thing I will read is Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine from September 2011.  They usually contain some great short detective and crime fiction.  Very often, I prefer these short tales to longer mystery books.  This is the 834th issue of this magazine.

My next roll is 9.

The third book is Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris Vol. 1 Colossus of Mars written by Avrid Nelson and illustrated by Carlos Rafael.  It is a graphic novel spun our of Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter Warlord of Mars series.

My next roll is 6.

The fourth book is Supervolcano:Eruption by Harry Turtledove, about what would happen if a supervolcano erupted in Yellowstone.  This is an event that scientists have conjectured is possible, and Harry Turtledove speculates on what things would be like if that actually occurred.  Harry Turtledove is an excellent alternate history writer, and that just happens to be one of my favorite forms of fiction.

My next roll is 2.

The fifth book is Christina Alberta's Father by H.G. Wells. I am a great fan of H.G. Wells and try to collect all his novels, not just the science fiction ones.  This was written in 1925, and is not exactly science fiction, but does deal with the collision between reality and imagination, romance and practicality, romance and free love.

My nest roll is 3.

The sixth selection is a Worlds of If Science Fiction Magazine from May 1952.  I love these, and have been reading from this magazine since I was 8 years old! This issue features a story by Hugo winning author Walter Miller, Jr. and John Jakes.   Yes, that John Jakes who will be the Guest of Honor at Writer's Convention in St. Augustine in late September.  It is a short story called The Beast.  Looking at his list of novels, the earliest I see is from 1952, so this may be one of his first works ever published!

My next roll is 5.

The seventh book is the graphic novel Swamp Thing Vol. 1 Raise Them Bones written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Yanick Paquette and Marco Rudy.  It is from DC's New 52 line, and represents the umpteenth redo of this character.  Oh, well.

My next roll is 9.

The eighth book is the second part of the Supervolcano series, Supervolcano: All Fall Down by Harry Turtledove.  I guess that must mean the first book must at least leave a few people alive.

My next roll is 9.

The ninth book is the graphic novel World's Finest Vol. 1 The Lost Daughters of Earth 2 written by Paul Levitz and illustrated by George Perez.  It stars Power Girl and Huntress.  Power Girl is actually Super Girl but from a an alternate Earth, and The Huntress is Batman's and Catwoman's daughter, and....okay, this may be too much to explain.  Another DC New 52 compilation.

My final roll is 7.

The final selection is yet another DC New 52 book.  Superboy Vol. 1 Incubation written by Scott Lobdell and illustrated by R. B. Silva.  It may seem like I have a lot of graphic novels, and I do.  The list is actually about even between books on one hand and graphic novels and magazines on the other.  It's just the luck of the roll.

But the good news about graphic novels is that they are shorter to read, and it makes the next time I can draw books that much sooner!


Until the next ten,

T. M. Strait


  1. I am so so totally opposite. While I flood myself with to do lists on a daily basis, when it comes to leisure pursuits I hate feeling boxed in my anything, anyone, anywhere. I read one book at a time (except for audio books which I only listen to in the car). If I'm not enjoying a book, I will stop and move on. I both buy and borrow them from the library. I feel guilty about bought books (unless they are special or signed, in which case they are permanent possessions) so I make sure to recycle them, either by sharing with others or getting credit at Read Me Again books. I do by books as gifts, however. To each his own!

  2. Yeah. That is the opposite. And this is my only to do list, although I never thought of it that way.
