Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sturm und Drang Hit the Strait Line

My son Doug was here last weekend for a final visit before he moves to California on September 1st.  We fit into a short time many of the things that we traditionally did in our visits, including some great conversation.

See movies with my boys is one of those traditions.  They started going to see movies with me from toddler hood on up.  A Strait boy learns very quickly how to behave in a movie theater.

Unfortunately, nothing was playing at the local bijou that warranted out attention.  So instead I marshaled a list of movies available on our streaming services, and we found one the whole family would like.  We sat down to watch it when a lightning strike hit very close to our house.  Our power went out for a few seconds...and the Internet and wireless were gone!

We did not get Internet back until yesterday, and we still are out wireless and Benjamin's den TV.  We will be working on the restoration of these over the next few days.

All this is to partially explain why there has been no new posts since Thursday night's pseudo-poem.

In review, here are my excuses -

1) The lightning dog ate my Internet.

2) My son Doug was here far a final visit before leaving for California.  Obviously I wanted to maximize every second with him.

3) I had a physical problem, something wrong with my left knee, that made it difficult to sit at the computer and concentrate on writing something new.  After baffling a couple of doctors, it is finally starting to get better on it's own. so hopefully soon, when I go to write a fiction story, I won't be thinking, "Once Upon A Time...aHHHHHHHHHH!"

But I'm back now, hopefully new fiction by Friday.  I hope to put new posts soon about the Flying Dragon's Charlotte's Web, more Ripping Good Yarn's stuff about the TV Hall of Fame, New Harmonies, and more about Doug's visit.  I have a Crowley story planned, and it will be good to get back to History of the Trap. And to those brave few that are Wattpad fans, I hope to add a lot more to that.

Well, if nothing else, I hope y'all give me some brownie points for endurance.  Over 600 posts, most of which have been put on the last two years.  Enough material to publish a book!


Now there's an idea!

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