Friday, August 2, 2013

History of the Trap: June Dreams Part 7

SYNOPSIS:  After being visited in prison by Morgan LaDona Tigh, Lance Martin has agreed to Dr. Duncan's request to detail what happened in the time that Lance is calling "the Trap."  Lance begins his journal by describing the morning before the trap fell, where we learn his father was the Principal of Loren High, that Lance is a Junior, and has a sister named Diane who is a sophomore.  After a couple hours at school that morning, where we see how different his relationship with Morgan is.  We meet Lance's best friend, Artie Pentler, and their gang. Just as Lance is ready to ask Ginny Estill out, the Trap falls, and they witness the horrible death of two P. E.students as they are caught in some kind of electrical storm.  The students soon realize, as April marches on, that the so-called storm is something more, and that they may be trapped at the school and it's grounds for a very long time. May involves grizzly murders of staff that remain unsolved, as Lance's father and staff struggle to come to grips with events.  They decide to schedule more activities for the students to become involved with, including sports,  a TV variety show, and the beginnings of the tunnel project. Lance realizes that Ginny has chosen Artie, and finds himself moving closer to the studious, pretty Lisa Carlton.  Lance and Lisa stumble on to a drug ring being led by David Izzner and the band teacher, Mr. Black.  Later, the Guidance Counselor, Mr. Joe Oliver, is found dead, his office ransacked for cigarettes and other contraband.  June is drawing to a close.


The last night of June, I had a dream.  We were still in the Trap.  Years had passed.  Or at least it felt that way in the dream.
The trap was still there, but it was bigger somehow.  There were animals; I don't know where they came from.  Artie and Robert and I, and some others whom I barely knew right now were on horseback, headed to a small group of tents that lay in a meadow beyond a forest.
Before we could get there, a dragon swooped out of nowhere and descended upon us.  It was large and green and scaly, it's bony head the size of one of our horses.  It belched fire and cooked the grasses in front of us.  Unperturbed, Artie got down from his horse, and held out his sword towards it.  "Sanctorus!" he shouted.  "We will vanquish thee!"
Thee?  When did we start using thee?  We all got down from our horses and circled the great beast.  He looked at us warily, trying to decide who to incinerate first.  Ginny and Jerry were there, together, thumbing the pages of a great black tome.  They found what they were looking for and chanted an incantation.  "Draco!  Perdas iubeo igne!" What was that?  Latin?  When did those two learn Latin?
The dragon breathed in, ready to reign hellfire on us, ready to make us a charred memory.  But when it went to breathe it out, nothing happened except a gaseous burp.  We swarmed the beast, this Sanctorus, stabbing at his belly, while we boosted Artie to his back.  He crawled up its neck, and plunged his shining sword deep into its skull, right between its eyes.  How Artie had the strength to penetrate the thick bony skull, I had no idea.
Sanctorus slumped dead, and the townspeople came to cheer around its corpse.  Ginny hugged Artie and gave him an intense kiss.  When she pulled away, she glanced over at me, and looked at me like I had never seen her look at me before, as I only wished that she would.
The tented village had a great feast that night, everyone enjoying a fine feast of dragon meat.  We danced and celebrated.  Ginny danced with me.  I guess even in my dreams, I got my one dance.  But in this one she held me tight, and when the dance was over, she took me by the hand and led me to a tent that was slightly apart from the others.
There she kissed me, deeply and intently.  My mind was a swirl, my body heating up.  Soon we were removing each other's clothes and kissing more and more intimately, all over.  I went to put my hand in places it had never been before, when the tent door flew open and it was Artie standing there.  He looked so betrayed and hurt.  "Ginny!  Lance!  How could you?"
He drew his sword.  Then the earth tremors began, and we felt like a chasm was opening up that would swallow us all.  Then Jerry was by my side, coming from I know not where, whispering fearfully to me, "It's all coming apart!"
I woke up in a feverish sweat.  I looked around and saw that I was in our sleeping room, Geoffrey Spivey snoring deeply in the sleeping bag next to me.  I was almost panting, and I was panicked.

It was after midnight.  June was through and July had begun.  June dreams were done.  Now the July nightmares were about to begin.


Next Chapter coming soon
Chapter 6: July Nightmares

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