Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend Sprinkled with Pixie Dust and Other Monday Musings

Ellie has quickly trained Pixie Dust to do what Ellie does best...sleep on the sofa.
Pixie Dust.
The boy, who when asked about the start of school, has just shrugged his shoulders and acted blase', was up at 5 this morning getting ready to go!  The little dog sitting next to him is Pixie Dust, a dog we are fostering for the Humane Society.  It has taken her very little time to settle in and make herself at home,

I haven't gotten used to it.  It seems incredibly early.  But that's just the way South Georgia rolls.

Even though it's just the first full week of August, we are already starting school.  Mr. Neutral About School got up extra early and is ready to go at 6 AM.  He probably won't need to be on the school bus until after 7.  He is in a group called Millennium Bears, and most of the friends he had last year are NOT in this group.  He feels he may be friendless, but I suspect that will change by the end of this week.

Seated with Benjamin is the dog we are fostering, Pixie Dust.  A tiny Chihuahua mix, she is from the Humane Society.  Alison signed up to be a foster parent for dogs who might otherwise have to be euthanized due to overcrowding.  This particular dog will be going to a rescue group in a week or so. She has quickly fit into our family, and has even gone a walk with us.  I am hoping Alison stays strong in having these dogs just for a short time and then willingly giving them back up.  It's not helping that this dog is so sweet!

It was another weekend where we had to mow the grass, and it was fairly hot Saturday.  I broke down and got a second push mower.  Benjamin is using it, doing very well, and we now have Daddy and son push mowers.  It should cut our mowing time in half.

We managed to get office supplies without going to Walmart, which means we still have not gone into that store this year.  In this area, it's not something you can easily do.  It requires planning and foresight.  It's not that other employers don't participate in some of the same shameful practices as Walmart.  But Walmart is the most prominent and visible example of out-of-town ownership, poor labor conditions and wages, and non-American merchandise.  If they could be changed, than much of the rest of the retail/service industry would follow.


  1. Kudos to Alison for signing up to be a foster. That can be a hard job. It's easy to become a "foster failure". ;)

  2. Thanks for fostering!!!!
