Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Post Vacation Blues

The reality has hit. The routine is back.  We hit our cycle of vacations all in June, and we're pretty much done for several months.  Start the countdown to Labor Day Monday, and perhaps a couple of days in October and a few December days in Michigan.

Whether vacation is as relaxing as days on the beach, or is an extension of family like our trips to Michigan, they come to an end and routine is started back.  The realization that I still work for someone else for a living smacks me in the noggin.

Not all is created equal.  Looking across my friends and associates from Facebook, some seem to be on vacation quite a bit.  Others seem never to vacation at all.  As I've talked about in other posts, Americans take less vacation than almost anywhere on Earth. Regardless of how many or how long you take vacation, unless you are retired or independently wealthy, they do come to an end.  And then it all comes back.

So now I go back and am jolted back into work patterns again.  Within a day or two, the adjustment is made, and resignation to one's fate gradually takes place.  Much of my work is routine, but there is variance, because as a CPA generalist, I deal with a wide variety of clients and accounting systems.  It can be frustrating, but it does keep me mentally on cue at least some, as I often have to interpret ways of thinking and logic that are quite different from one another.

And I am very fortunate in my family, friends and church.  The routine does make it easier to establish a more regular diet, exercise, participating in storytelling, maintaining my blog.  So maybe the routine is not so bad.

On the other hand, we have Labor Day marked on our calender and the countdown has begun.  And we're already thinking of where we might go for a short trip in October.  Routine and drudge punctuated with hope and dreams.  Isn't that the way things should be?


  1. Every day is a good day! Some days are better than others!

  2. Hope is the thing with feathers
    That perches on the soul...emily dickinson
