Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rumbles in the Weight Loss Jungle

Yeah, I know.  I need to lose weight.

I'm one of those lazy, quasi-obese, despicable Americans everybody talks about.  When I see news programs about the obese, and they invariably cut to people on the street, and all they show is the torso blobbing down the street, my heart clutches with fear, and I go, "Oh my God!  Is that me?  Could that possibly be me?"

Alison, my esteemed espousal connection, appears to most to not have a weight problem.  Beautiful and shapely, she does very well indeed.  But she works very, very hard to sustain her weight.  She often follows Weight Watcher guidelines and exercises quite a bit.  So with this shining example before me, you would think I could do better.

I have had brief periods where my weight has dropped substantially.  Most of those times, in addition to not eating enough to feed a gerbil and in exercising, I have had to be fiercely angry at myself, a self-loathing that is difficult to sustain even for me.  And, like most severe dieters, when the brake pads come off, the weight roars back on with a vengeance.

Then I am experiencing the complication of age.  My metabolism has shifted into super low gear, and any change I make seems to do no good and just lowers the thermostat further.  I have attempted to do what worked a few years ago, and my body is now saying, "What are you? Freaking nuts?  This tub is here to stay!"

We're not perfect but we eat out much less than most Americans.  Alison is a marvelous and inventive cook, who use many nutritional and low-calorie dishes.  Weekends are harder than weekdays, but that's been true my entire life.  I need to exercise more than I do - what I do is too sporadic.  It also doesn't help that both my accounting and blogging/writing careers involve me sitting on my posterior development.

Nevertheless, I will do my best to try harder.  I will redouble my efforts to follow the dietary system Alison already has.  And make a more faithful effort to incorporate exercise into my life.

I no longer aim to be a svelte guy whom everyone wants to cast as a leading man in the movies that I so richly deserve to be in.  But I would like to lose enough to be comfortable in my clothes, and help insure my health and longevity.

So I intend to start working on this right away!

Well, except for I have a lunch with a friend today, and on Wednesday also, and oh, I can't forget that Alison and I are going to eat at the Brick Yard on Friday in Thomasville - calzones the size of a table!

Okay, so maybe it won't be right away that I start.  But soon, very soon.

I promise.

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