Saturday, January 26, 2013

Conservative Shadings Saturday Political Soap Box 53

Very few of us are any one thing.  Just like our physical features, our political as well as social and cultural beliefs can vary and not fit into a neatly categorized box.  It's one of the reasons why voting for any politician can seem like a difficult thing.  It's almost impossible to pick out someone who agrees with you on everything, so you have to prioritize what is most important to you.

Make no mistake about it. I shade very liberal, particularly for this area. But I am not a monolith.  I do have some conservative beliefs.

I believe that abortion is wrong, that life does indeed begin at conception.  The DNA is zipped together and a unique entity is formed.  I do differ dramatically with many religious conservatives as to what to do about it, but we do start with that premise in common.  I think trying to eliminate this through criminalization and intimidation is wrong and ineffective, and only makes the problem worse.  Pulling people out of poverty, supporting young mothers, greater and more available and knowledgeable use of birth control are better answers.  I want solutions that empower women, not criminalize them.

I am not a big advocate of legalizing drugs.  The casual attitude towards drugs in this culture makes me think we have stumbled into Brave New World.  I do think penalties need to be smoothed out.  It's absurd for one type of cocaine used by rich people to have significantly lighter penalties that that used in poorer environments.  I do wish we would all grow less dependent on these addictive substances.  Oh.  I need to get another cup of coffee before I go on.

Okay, I'm back.  Our tax system is a complete mess.  I would like to see it completely reformed. And in some ways that I think conservatives would appreciate.  If you want to see a detailed outline on this, please see the label at the bottom, tax policy, and pull it up.

I do think there are some functions that the government should not be running.  As big a fan of the arts as I am, I don't think government has a place in that.  I even kind of agree with Mitt Romney that is is time to cut the ties to public television.  In all programs we need to more effectively reduce waste, fraud and abuse.

Although I believe the takers at the top are a much more serious problem than those at the bottom, I am upset by those who try to filch the system, particularly disability.  Yes, there are many people legitimately and deservedly on disability.  I have friends who I am very grateful have this available to them. What I am upset with are those who get on it, and then work under the table, off the books, so that they are double dipping.  They are taking from the government and giving nothing back in return.  And I'm angry at every employer who knowingly goes along with stuff like this.

Conservatives should know that I am open to any reform that moves more people to work and taking responsibility for themselves.  You should just be aware that this would involve greater job support and training, more daycare subsidies, more public transportation and infrastructure improvements in general,  a commitment to green jobs and moving this country to the technological forefront in a variety of fields, and a substantial increase in the minimum wage. To do things my way might even cost more money than just handing out checks to people, but I think that in the long run will foster more independence.

I do believe in stronger school discipline, maybe even school uniforms.  I am completely, utterly and adamantly in favor of public schools.  It is the very bedrock foundation of democracy.  We weaken it at our own peril.

So, all in all, not too much of a conservative shading for me, I suppose.  But it is there, just a tiny bit of red in my sea of blue!

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