Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dive! Dive! Dive! The Tax Season Submarine Submerges!

And so it begins.

Not with a bang, or a whimper, but with a wtf was that?  Congress endorsed some deal last night whose tax effects will probably take us a good long while to straighten out.  Most of what they did will effect 2013 taxes, but it should start effecting payroll immediately.  At this point I have no idea whether they kept the payroll FICA tax cut or not.  And whatever changes they made, our payroll tax software is not taking into account and probably won't be for weeks.  However you feel about the fiscal cliff deal, bureaucratically it will be a nightmare.

I tried to stay up last night, under the false impression that if I didn't go to sleep that the tax season could not start.  I'll never know whether that was possible because I did fall asleep, at least for a short time.

So now I wake up, and I,m trying to figure out if I have the time to write or if I should go on ahead in.  I'm thinking of the different stuff I already have to do.  But I will get over this and reach an equilibrium.  And I am going to strive mightily to achieve a better balance than I have in years past.

I should be able to do it.  Last tax season, I directed a play (Wizard of OZ)  over the first two months of tax season.  That was a unique bit of insanity, but it got done, thanks to the kind assistance of many other people.

I hope friends and family do not abandon me during this time, thinking I am too busy to try to talk to and see.  There may be times when I am slightly less communicative, but being able to hear from others is even more important this time of year than others.

And now I finish the last sentences of my blog post.  I drain the last of my coffee, yesterday's headache still maintaining a tight grip on me.  I will need to put on a tie (blech!) and put on my new sports jacket with elbow patches, the kind of jacket I have wanted  all my life.  And prepare to once again submerge.  Sigh!

Don't forget about me, surface dwellers!

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